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Shared Server cross-site hack

Posted by gvan, 01-08-2015, 08:17 PM
Is it normal for a sites hosted on a shared server to be vulnerable to hacks through other sites hosted on the same server? My wife recently returned to work, after a year on leave, to find that their company site had been hacked. The hack injected a page with admin/admin login that gives outside assess to entire server. That is...not just their own server files, all other accounts hosted on the same server. When she reported the matter she was told it was a problem with their site... maybe... but is hosting a shared server really that dangerous? It seems like a problem with the host if hackers can access to my site through a security vulnerability on another site that just happens to be hosted on the same server? Bad host configuration or is this normal?

Posted by Andei, 01-08-2015, 08:19 PM
It's not normal, it seems your host should pay more attention to your claim and adjust their security accordingly.

Posted by grapenut, 01-08-2015, 11:10 PM
this happens a good deal with cpanel servers in certain. once they compromise one account they begin dropping sym links and cpanel bruters. easily mitigated with permissions and strong passwords but you'd be surprised...

Posted by funkywizard, 01-09-2015, 05:29 AM
If you have Php in dso mode it's impossible to avoid. Every site has access to all others. Php needs to be in fcgi and / or suexec to have any hope of security partitioning between sites on a cpanel server.

Posted by brianoz, 01-09-2015, 09:21 AM
I guess that's exactly the point - while all these problems (symlink hack etc) were solved years ago, naive hosters don't know about the fixes and don't implement them. While the host may deny it, not having protected the server against this (probably the symlink attack) demonstrates a frightening lack of knowledge, almost certainly time to move to another host. So, in answer to the OP's question - it's frighteningly bad host configuration.

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