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Website blocked in single location

Posted by gradikio, 02-23-2008, 08:35 PM
I'm a web developer for an educational institution. We have a site that over 300 students must access each semester. Our site is hosted by a popular shared hosting provider. Our site is accessible to everyone BUT several students living in a certain dorm on our campus. The dorm has a different internet service provider than the rest of the school, so the site IS accessible on the rest of campus. The dorm ISP insists they have no firewalls blocking any sites including ours. Indeed, the students confirm they have never had a problem accessing any other sites. Our webhost ran some tests and said they do not have a firewall up against the dorm's IP address therefore the problem must be on the dorm's end. Indeed, no one else has problem accessing the site except for these dorm students. Both companies are claiming it must be on the other's end and neither are willing to look into it further. Some additional tidbits. The site was hosted on a Mac G5 dedicated server in our department in the past and students never complained about access issues. However, that was in our beta phase and less students were accessing the site. We had one of the students in the building run some ping commands and a tracert. The general ping and tracert commands appeared to indicate the site was working. However, when the student tried various specific ports, the command got stuck on: "connecting to ..." where the dots were our website. This test seemed to affirm to the server company that the problem was at the ISP level. Again, the ISP insists the problem is not theirs. My main question is, does anyone know what on earth could be happening and on what end this problem may be on? Any insight (or even guesses would be great). Thanks! Jet (a newbie)

Posted by fwwebs, 02-23-2008, 08:45 PM
When they attempt to ping are they using the domain name or an IP. It may be a DNS problem with that specific ISP

Posted by gradikio, 02-23-2008, 08:48 PM
They were using the domain name. If it is a DNS problem, is that something that should be addressed by the ISP or the

Posted by CodyRo, 02-23-2008, 08:50 PM
It's possible the ISP's DNS server is goofy (as stated above). See if you can get a couple of the students who can't access it to change them to "" and "" and see if they can access it. Also have them trace route the server and see if for some reasons something weird is happening. Also I would verify again that the host doesn't have any of the dorm's IP's blocked.

Posted by gradikio, 02-23-2008, 08:51 PM
sorry, I meant to say... or the webhost? Also this may come into play. The domain is set up without the "www". I had to put a forward on the www version of the name to forward to the non www version in order for the site to work properly. Could this be coming into play at all? Thanks for your help!!

Posted by gradikio, 02-23-2008, 08:58 PM
Sorry for my ignorance here. How would I instruct them to do this? One of the students ran the trace route test below (where the ...(dots) indicate our website because this system won't let me type it in yet). Tracing route to ... over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 * * * Request timed out. 2 * * A different student in the building did a tracert and it did not time out, but appeared to reach our host with no errors.

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