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Am I going about this right?

Posted by jimbrown, 12-18-2002, 02:46 PM
Hi Ok, I have a well-established, popular and traffic-generating busniess site so getting "hits" or advertising is'nt really a huge problem for me. So far so good. Very soon, I will be offering hosting and web design. Here's how I plan to do it and hopefully I can get some input on wether or not I'm going about it the right way... (1) Create "Hosting Plans", "FAQ", "About", TOS" and other pages on my site first. (2) Find a reseller plan that will allow me to pretty much be in complete control of my customers, setting up accounts, billing, server options, etc. The reseller plan I want should run RedHat and have all the goodies like MySQL, CGI, CPanel 5, Fantastico, etc. I'm still not sure what I need to do this...shared hosting?...virtual private hosting?. I'm not sure. I expect to pay about $50.00 to $75.00 per month and get something link 5G of disk space and 80G of monthly data transfer. HTTPme and offer packages like this. (3) Next, I'll wait for my account to become active and register my IP addresses with and wait. During this time, I'll probably finish jazzing up the hosting section of my site. I'll probably try to sell 4-6 different packages and offer MySQL and a few other service for a small, extra fee. Anyway, the only thing I'm not entirely clear on is WHAT type of reseller account I'm going to need to do this and WHO I should choose. Any recommendations on who I should choose or if what I have said so far sounds viable? Thanks

Posted by sej7278, 12-18-2002, 02:54 PM
Basically as you're going to be reselling, you want fast support and turnaround. You want to appear to your customers to be the one in control, not your hosts, so you don't want to have to say "sorry, I'm waiting for my host support people to get back to me, it'll only be a few more hours". If you're going to offer control panels to your clients, you also want personalisation, so a CPanel skin for your company, so it doesn't have a big GIF that says "hosting provided by" on there! Also nice touches like personal DNS addresses are worth looking for, so you have not HTH

Posted by vito, 12-18-2002, 02:55 PM
Sounds about right. A shared hosting reseller account looks like it would do the trick for now. Don't forget to decide on a payment solution for receiving payments from your customers. The one host I can recommend from personal experience is . Myles has a solid company with plenty of happy customers (including me)... Vito

Posted by jimbrown, 12-18-2002, 03:02 PM
Hi Thank's for the advice!. Ok, when you say that I'll want personalization of the CPanel, is this not the default with most reseller accounts or is it something extra I need to ask them to include with my account?. Also, are personal DNS addresses the default or is this something I need to ask them for and does it cost extra? much?. Sorry for all the questions and thank's a bunch for the helpful info!. - "Mr. Noob"

Posted by sej7278, 12-18-2002, 03:18 PM
Yes, I think CPanel skinning is default, as that's what fantastico is to some degree, I meant you need to ask for CPanel and not e.g. Ensim/Plesk. The personal DNS is not always provided, but I think on it is, I've only ever seen a couple of reseller hosts who don't offer it, as I think it's basically only a CNAME alias in your zone files anyway.

Posted by jimbrown, 12-18-2002, 03:24 PM
Hi Ok, great!. Can anyone recommend a good, reliable reseller?. I've looked at quite a few of them over the past week and HTTPme seems to have a pretty loyal following. Can anyone tell me if they are any good and especially, how long it takes them to set up an account?. Thanks again

Posted by akuo, 12-20-2002, 02:41 AM
You're better off starting with a smaller package and upgrading once you fill it up. For example with HTTPme start on a Plan 1 and work your way up

Posted by rusko, 12-21-2002, 05:49 AM
dont get me wrong, a loyal following is great. im sure the bmw x3 has a very loyal following. so does hilton and russian caviar. you need to factor the price in as well. depending on your clientele, you may get away with, say, 99% uptime versus 99.99999% uptime and save a few bucks. im not saying you should, but you have to be aware of the price factor.

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