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what constitutes "adult" material?

Posted by kevinale, 12-18-2002, 09:03 PM
I have been in the market for obtaining a reseller accout for a biz idea I have and it seems 99% of those offering reseller accouts forbid "adult material." As a mater of fact, I would be the sole user of teh reseller account (it wouldn't be farmed out to other people). My question is this: What is "adult material?" We all know that porn would fit in this category, but what about a discussion about men/women's health in a professional manner? I consider Dr. Ruth-type talk "adult" but it's cetainly not pornographic (to me at least). What about the kind of material one would find in a typical men's or women's magazine? Maybe some discussion on sex and or the like, along with other "real world" issues. Heck, maybe there's evena pic or two of women/men in bathing suits. Does this fall under the "adult material" umbrella that most hosts refer to in the AUP? curious, kevin

Posted by Chicken, 12-18-2002, 09:27 PM
Really, it doesn't matter what most hosts or anyone feels is "adult" material, it matters what the host you chose/are considering feels is adult material. You need to ask them.

Posted by Choppy, 12-18-2002, 09:49 PM
Very valid point Chicken. Some host have different country or state laws they must follow also. Kind regards Phillip

Posted by Geek3, 12-18-2002, 10:16 PM
Kevin, I see your point. I define it as namely anything remotely natured in the exotic adult content category. A health page discussing sex nor a site similiar to what you would mention, i would not personally constitute as 'adult.' Honestly, I would assume most hosts (sadly, ourselves included) like to use the term 'adult' over 'XXX' and 'PORNOGRAPHY' just because the category 'adult' has assumed the role (or at least to me it has) as the same category of exotic material that is not suitable for younger audiences. Honestly, there's really no definate line, because anyone can bend the rules, but it's clearly like Chicken mentioned: "it matters what the host you chose/are considering feels is adult material".

Posted by kevinale, 12-18-2002, 10:23 PM
ECP, I kind of assumed what you posted what what most mean by "adult." I'm sure when I pick a reseller accoutn I'll do my research with the approptiate company to ensure that they would me fine with the content. But the blanket adult policies out there say thaty they'll pretty much suspend on a dime. That's just scary to me.. Not that I'd put a porn site up or anything,, -k

Posted by Geek3, 12-18-2002, 10:26 PM
Honestly, i think if you are flat open honest with your host regarding your site from the BEGGINING (before you even put a 'dime' down), that your host will know you well enough to know you have the right intentions. In fact, i know many hosts (MANY) who even warn you prior to doing anything to your account (rather than suspending your account). I also think that unless your site is a BLATENT disturbance in the host's TOS, that it would consitute such a suspension... but granted, i do see your point.

Posted by seg fault, 12-19-2002, 06:05 AM
adult matierial is pics of ******* and ********, could even be ******** and ********. I personally like ******** with ********. That rocks

Posted by allprohost, 12-20-2002, 12:05 AM
Just my 2 cents adult for my rules are nude which i allow anything showing explicit like ?????? is not allowed, i guess adult has a different meaning for everyone , naked is good,

Posted by soundguy, 12-20-2002, 08:37 AM
BOOBIES! Appropos of nothing...I just like saying it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of bluenoses leftover from the Eisenhower administration still running around, so why take a chance on having to move your entire operation in a hurry if someone decides you're violating their TOS? Just go with one that DOES allow adult content. One thing about it, Adult is still a real money-maker. Anyone specializing in it is bound to have solid infrastructure and cheap, reliable bandwidth. In my search, I found quite a few companies that had no problem with legal adult content.

Posted by ADEhost, 12-20-2002, 10:54 AM
Well, to consider what adult is, first you have to define where you are. You have to go by the Federal rulings and the state rulings in the USA. you would be subject to the rules of where the servers are at, where you are at, where your host is a company at. so if the servers are in NJ and you are in NY and the host is in VA the order of review is : federal USA law, then host in VA, then server in NJ, then your location. ( well I would do your location first to see if it's legal). see, adult material is subject on so many levels many host don't know what to do. great example of the problems is penthouse's larry flint and the state of Ohio, the state consistantly is trying to do something to him. you just don't know where you stand half of the time. Mike

Posted by alohahosts, 12-20-2002, 11:06 AM
Adult material. Our basic guideline is if we won't allow our children to view it then it is adult. If I would have to close my browser if my daughter walked in the room, then that would adult and not allowed on our servers.

Posted by ADEhost, 12-20-2002, 11:18 AM
excelent way to pass a quick and easy judgement.

Posted by Chicken, 12-21-2002, 01:07 AM
It sounds 'quick and easy' but really it isn't. You can't put that in a TOS. What one person would close, another wouldn't. Some people would allow their children to view things others wouldn't. Really, that tells me nothing about what you allow on your servers. EcpHosting definition, "namely anything remotely natured in the exotic adult content category," doesn't really tell you either. What does that mean? What would that mean to different people? This is why you have to ask your provider and not others. Often ti is poorly defined in the host's TOS. There aren't clear definitions for the terms "adult" or "pornographic" or "sexually explicit". These are just buzz words that have no real meaning, except to those who say them. You need to find out how they feel and if what you want to upload does not cross their line.

Posted by rusko, 12-21-2002, 05:39 AM
you have to look at *why* they are not allowing adult content. i can say that we, for one, do not allow adult content on some servers because of the excessive usage of resources associated with that. tgps, link farms, cj sites etc tend to get loads of hits in quick succession which can cripple the server if the backend of the site isnt coded right. now, while a page with a ton of naked women puts your server in danger of the above, scientific discussions of adult topics would not. in that light, we would most likely allow this site on a non-adult server. just my take - ymmv cheers, paul

Posted by ADEhost, 12-21-2002, 01:59 PM
Chicken, I should have been clearer. what you do and don't let your children look at is a moral judgement. under business law ( contract law ) moral's may not fly as the proof of judgement test. therefore a has shoudl take the more structured, less liable issue of using state established laws and federal laws. reason I say moral judgement is the clasic case in UT where video shops wanted adult content in thier stores ... long story short it was found out that the community bought alot of adult content over cable tv. and federal law defining adult was ok, and state law was ok, it was just the local law that was needing the change. mike

Posted by intraweb, 12-23-2002, 11:20 AM
I will be happy to review all adult material for you, free of charge. I will study the site in detail, and provide an accurate report for you on the material.

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