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If you left where'd you go?

Posted by Def, 08-04-2001, 04:33 PM
Was strongly considering using for my reller account until I found out among other things they do not allow FSO (file system object) . So they're out of the running. I've checked out M6 but they're in Austraila. I am having a really hard time finding a good Windows reseller (good support, good packages, instant account recreation, etc..) Maybe it's impossible. I guess my question is if you were reselling for centralinfo and left where did you go? Terry

Posted by AL-Benjamin, 08-05-2001, 10:40 AM
i've been using ci for about a year and they have been getting progresivly more diffulcult to deal with. problem is i have about 40 resellers and a huge number of domains. the best option would be a ded server but i don't have the time for that. if you don't want to have your own resellers then vibus. i am still looking, but if i find a better option i would of course post it here.

Posted by mikeknoxv, 08-05-2001, 11:19 AM
Have you considered MCHost?

Posted by AL-Benjamin, 08-05-2001, 11:28 AM
mchost are unix, not nt.

Posted by mikeknoxv, 08-05-2001, 11:32 AM
Ahh, I must've missed that part. My mistake.

Posted by GordonH, 07-07-2002, 04:25 AM
Sorry to resurrect this one. We had an old Centralinfo reseller plan with about 70 long standing clients on it. I had almost forgotten about it as it was so stable. Then suddenly they stopped supporting SQL. They notified us that there would not be offering SQL server for new accounts so I just ignored the message as we have our own Win 2000 servers for new accounts. But it turned out they were turning off external access via Enterprise Manager. Previously they had sold this as the only way to connect to databases. I have had to start migrating accounts over to our own boxes. I had hoped the number of accounts at CIS would just dwindle down and we would be left with a dozen who could be moved over, but this has moved the whole thing up a gear. This is one reason not to be a reseller. You have no control over these sorts of major functional changes to accounts. Its my fault too for being too lazy to move the accounts. Its quite difficult too, users really need to upload their own files again as we have no access to the servers. Gordon

Posted by AussieHosts, 07-07-2002, 09:30 AM
Why don't you have access Gordon? You should be able to see all account login details via the control panel? A mighty task by all means, but possible. Cheers Gary

Posted by GordonH, 07-07-2002, 09:55 AM
I see what you mean, but what I meant was full access via remote desktop connection or equivalent so we could bulk ftp all the info over. Plus, some customers will be using featrures we don't support like PHP. I just can't get that to work reliably alongside ASP on Win 2000. Its much more complicated than moving customers from one linux system to another. I mailed all the users yesterday encouraging them to move (the Win 2000 is cheaper anyway). This has encouraged a few of them to shift. I will work on the others and when we get down to the last few I will shift them. I got the guy with the huge SQL database shifted this morning. He had nearly 1GB of SQL log files. Biggest log files I have ever seen. Indicates that CIS were not monitoring SQL disk usage at all. Gordon

Posted by AussieHosts, 07-07-2002, 10:17 AM
All the best with it mate. We were with CIS for over 12 months up until the beginning of this year, and found them pretty good. Like you, it pretty much ran itself and we didn't have to pay much attention to it. It served the needs of specific clients. CIS were fairly helpful when we did need something, so I wonder whether they would assist by providing you with a backup of at least your user's files. Cheers Gary

Posted by GordonH, 07-07-2002, 10:38 AM
Yes They are providing the SQL back ups which is the important bit really. We couldn't afford to lose those. Its a pity they seem to be pulling out of web hosting. Apparently no intention of moving to Windows 2000 and they still have FSO disabled which was the reason we put in our own Win 2000 servers, Gordon

Posted by AL-Benjamin, 07-10-2002, 12:37 PM
the problem i have is that i have a load of resellers. i don't know another host who has the facility to have your own resellers

Posted by GordonH, 07-10-2002, 01:09 PM
I believe that Ensim for Windows supports this so anyone who runs that CP may be able to help. Gordon

Posted by PetiteWeb, 07-14-2002, 08:30 AM
I just found out that Central Info will be out of business by January 1st, 2003, and will be notifying clients a couple months before that they need to find hosting elsewhere. My reseller business is fairly small (around 25 customers), so I've just decided to give them advance warning and get out of the reseller business myself. However, I do need reliable reseller hosting for the websites I design and maintain for customers. Can any previous CI customers give me some recommendations as to reliable and inexpensive hosting? I don't want to raise the hosting prices too much for my design customers, but it will be hard to beat CI's rates. Thanks.

Posted by GordonH, 07-14-2002, 10:14 AM
Hello I started moving my sites off this week. I got the feeling things were heading this way. Our Win 2000 costs are less than we were charging customers on CIS and the reduced price has been a big incentive for people to move. Looks like I need to step it up and get the others off. Unfortunately there will be no natural wasteage as anyone still on CIS has been there for over a year and in my experience customers who stay longer than 10 months don't intend leaving. Gordon

Posted by AL-Benjamin, 07-14-2002, 12:20 PM
how did you find that out? looks like i need to step up my reseller plans then, shame as i've been with them for over three years now.

Posted by PetiteWeb, 07-14-2002, 01:56 PM
I just noticed they have been cutting services here and there, and when they cut SQL, I figured that's not a good sign. Plus it says on their website "We are no longer offering new reseller accounts or new web sites." That seemded like a pretty good indicator. So I just emailed and asked if I should be looking for a new host. This is what they replied: "Currently you can still function as normal, however, we do plan to close all hosting and reseller services by Jan 1, 2003. We will be sending notice and posting on our site atleast 2 months before we fully shut down all our services so you can find new hosting for you and your clients. A good reference to start looking is which has hundreds of hosting providers listed for you to choose from." Bummer... they were ALMOST the perfect host when I started with them two years ago... cheap, pretty much everything I wanted, except ColdFusion, and great tech support.

Posted by AL-Benjamin, 07-14-2002, 04:26 PM
i'm suprised somebody hasn't tried to buy their clients

Posted by sidedrum, 12-23-2002, 09:47 PM
Central Info is not going out of business. They are actually enhancing thier services. If you were a reseller there is an easy switch over process. Plus they offer linux and Win2000, FSO, and Coldfusion as well as MSSQL. Thier costs for the small plan only went up $1.88 but you get 40 mb instead of 10mb. So I don't know where you guys get the idea that they are going out of business.

Posted by GordonH, 12-24-2002, 04:18 AM
Umm Because they wrote to us and told us that they were stopping providing web hosating services. We were given a deadline to get off their servers which was a nightmare. A few days after we were fully moived off they announced a change of heart and that they would be running as a reseller for someone else. Gordon

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