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For Resellers

Posted by leec, 04-25-2003, 10:07 AM
If you had only one package to select from what do you think it should include?

Posted by Akash, 04-25-2003, 01:37 PM
It should include what I was looking for - if it didn't - then i'd look at a differenet host. That's a bit of an ambigous or vague question...

Posted by Southernman, 04-25-2003, 05:38 PM
Is it really all that vague? Perhaps, but it's still pretty obvious what lee is asking. He's maybe just a man of few words, is all... The biggest thing that comes to my mind is: If you can partner with, do so. Offering a reduced rate processor setup, should be a definate plus to any reselling provider. Partnering with GEOTrust couldn't hurt either The obvious things to me are: ***** *dual processors, if within your budget *SCSI Drives *Off site backups - weekly at least -- preferably daily *Quality DC (eg... The Planet or Global Compass) *No Cognent *Keep on top of things (Be available for problems, and have the resources to overcome them) *Keep customers informed, and treat them like your best friend -- within reason of course *The rest is just gravy if you have the above *****

Posted by kneadingu, 04-26-2003, 03:24 AM
Fast reliable support with enough space and bandwidth to grow at a price that allows you to compete with the best of them.

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