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My server?

Posted by Flook, 08-01-2009, 06:52 PM
Heya guys, First of all, im new to this forum so heya ^^, i don't even know if it's in the good section, if not please move I'm planning to rent a "server" on my old pc. The pc specs aren't good at all, but im not planning to use it for hard stuff. Its a Pentium 4 with 1GB Ram. I was wondering if it would be good enoguh to run a game server on? Like counter strike source and a team speak server. My download speed ( thingy) 12Mbps, upload is like 1Mbps. Not a biggy for running big things that why i hope it's enough to run a small one. To be a bit more specific: The pc was one of the first we had in home and is like 9years old. Guess it even had no upgrade so far. By running those 2 things and eventually a website, a small one, if possible, because i dynamic ip, provider asks 30€/month for static one. Special packet or something ><. Anyone got some info that could be possible? Thx, P.S: Sorry if this totally doesn't belong here. Hope i'm good anyways ^^ Flook

Posted by Beast5, 08-01-2009, 08:06 PM
you wont be able to run teamspeak from your home connection. you will have to get at least 10Mbit upload. VOIP take a lot of traffic when you got plenty of users. another point, your connection is a home grade connection (dsl/cable) which means your PING wont be that good for players - it WILL lag. P4 with 1GB of ram can hold CSS with no effort the specs are ok, but the connection is not suitable. hope this helps

Posted by Flook, 08-01-2009, 08:09 PM
Hm, but my neighbour, he has "crappier" internet, and he runs a css server on the pc he uses + he plays on it, it can take like 10 man before it realy starts lagging. Pings are bout normal, 33tic, 60ping or so Quiet bugger tho

Posted by Kusai, 08-01-2009, 08:09 PM
gamers are most demanding customers even large corps dont take much interest in gameing servers due to high expectancy from customers.

Posted by Flook, 08-01-2009, 08:12 PM
No no no, i don't wonna rent it or waht so ever :p just for my use, no one else, to on Internet, like 16slots, not asking money for it. Unless i got ur message wrong :p

Posted by mugo, 08-01-2009, 10:58 PM
1Mb is decent, I can see the server running ok unless you throw in VOIP, then it's gonna lag, especially at high user levels. The thing that helps is the 12Mb coming back TO the server...plenty of play room there, so you are only limited by the outgoing traffic really. Messages back to your server will have no problem. But, that's 2/3 of a T1, so if the connection is good, you should do fine up to a particular number of joins.

Posted by fwaggle, 08-02-2009, 03:35 AM
To be clear, Source can be made to work off lower bandwidth. You can adjust the rates to provide an okay gameplay experience for a given number of players on a given bandwidth, however as you lower the maximum rates, shot accuracy and such go down. However most folks probably aren't good enough to notice it, and if they are good enough to notice it they probably wouldn't stick around on a DSL-based server too long regardless of how fat the pipe is. I wouldn't run a VOIP server from home unless you only want it for a handful of people, though.

Posted by Flook, 08-02-2009, 07:11 AM
Hm, so no VOIP, can someone maybe give me a def of it? Tbh, i suck at that stuff ¨ i prefer just to be able to run it ^^ About the rates, not sure tho, what would be a good setting? Normal its like: rate 25000 updaterate 100 cmdrate 100 Thx for the replies

Posted by fwaggle, 08-02-2009, 02:28 PM
Flook: Make sure you're running 33 tick, don't bother going any higher than that unless you're only doing a 6 slot server or something goofy. As far as rates, there are web-based calculators that will tell you the optimal rates given the desired number of slots and available bandwidth. Be conservative in your estimates of available bandwidth - just because your residential provider says you have a 1mbps upstream doesn't mean that's what you actually have. I'd go with whatever says truthfully, but remember to convert between KB and Kb correctly and you should be "okay". By "okay" I don't mean you'll be running a GSP quality server, you will have a distinct ping advantage to the server and pings will vary wildly depending on where your friends are and what ISP they're on... however it should be playable. Last edited by fwaggle; 08-02-2009 at 02:28 PM. Reason: less hyphens, kthnx

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