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Hosts under pressure

Posted by MA-Kadiwal, 09-09-2003, 10:07 AM
I've never had this problem before, so I'd like to ask the reseller community for some feedback on this astonighing question I have been asked. This client I am trying to get has experienced unfaithful service from hosts in the past. They have had their hosting account cancelled due to pressure from some very powerful people. As they host an Islamic website, they claim that this pressure has come from Zionists out to stop their efforts. Is this for real? I am looking at moving my hosting account over to Dathorn or UnitedHosting (if Dathorn can't get their new servers up soon) and shall be asking them about this issue, but is there anyone else out there that has come accross this or can assure resilliance in such a situation? MA-Kadiwal

Posted by centrahost, 09-09-2003, 10:14 AM
That's an interesting situation for sure. IMO... It's all about the content. What is in the site? Where does it link? No reason to assume anything. The reputation of Islamic organizations have sure fallen victim to extremists that claim to be "Of God". On the other hand... anyone "out to get" a client of yours,. can cause you big problems even if your intentions are honorable. So, this leaves you right back where you started. It's a interesting situation.

Posted by MA-Kadiwal, 09-09-2003, 10:55 AM
Interestings for sure... here's the current website. i can understand why particular parties would like to have them stop what they are doing... Islamic Human Rights Commision ...but are there any hosts that are immune to this kind of attack?

Posted by UH-Matt, 09-09-2003, 11:11 AM
What sort of "pressure" is applied to the host?

Posted by MA-Kadiwal, 09-09-2003, 11:20 AM
not quite sure, I believe its along the lines of economic leverage, persuading the host to close one account over many. I could get more info if required.

Posted by jvreeland, 09-09-2003, 11:56 AM
IMO this is a sticky situation. I would definitly consider talking with the Host and or the Datacenter about this before you sign up. If you can get a full pledge from them to stand by you and your client then you should be ok. But I suggest talking with everyone before your bring this guy on board so there is no confusion or lack of knowledge on ths situation if something does arise.

Posted by idologicJeff, 09-09-2003, 06:07 PM
I would say, as long as your are abiding by your TOS (ie no hate, no porn - whatever) there should be no legal recourse for removing your website. Another option would be to deal with a non-US company if this is taking place in the US. For example there are many companies represented here that would be glad to host you from the UK, Canada, and Australia (waves to Bob). Cheers Jeff

Posted by Zug, 09-10-2003, 07:33 AM
As IdologicJeff stated, as long as their site doesn't breech the TOC and their Links are not of a detrimental nature, We can see no reason for their actions. Would strongly recommend You approach Your Host and advise of the situation and request correspondence from them outlining their position and if they would support You and Your Client. It's a shame it has reverted to this and We wish You all the best for a successful conclusion.

Posted by MA-Kadiwal, 09-10-2003, 07:46 AM
Thanks everyone, I've just managed to open an account (finally) with Dathorn but am having some difficulty contacting Andrew right now as he is running around trying to fix things. Dathorn servers are all based in US so I suppose he won't be able to prevent this kind of attack. If he can't assure it then I'm just going to have to let the client go. What else can I do? If anyone can recommend a host, I can point them in the right direction.

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