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Advice me I need a reseller host

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-19-2012, 10:28 AM
hi guys i want to start my samll webhosting bussiness but the question here which company i start with ?? every company has a very bad reviews and the good reviews about it alot said it is an ads and a fake reviews what is the most popular companies in this field ?? i dont care costs ,, but i care service ,, the amount u pay the amount u get ,, u all know this so plz advice me al companies i saw are about the same price and about the magically word << unlimted >> when some one ask you i want to creat an eamil normally u tell him about yahoo msn gmail ,, the most popular then what are the most popular and fair companies in this field * I am sorry for my bad english ,, but really i need help

Posted by SolaDrive, 09-19-2012, 10:32 AM
Well what are you looking for, and any location or budget in mind?

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-19-2012, 10:37 AM
i am at egypt i want to find somthing with 120-170 dollars annualy just somthing fair ,, somthing u can use it as a bussines << Small One >>

Posted by HostSlim-R, 09-19-2012, 10:38 AM
Hi, Do you have some specifications in mind? Like disk usage, traffic and how much domains do you want to host?

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-19-2012, 10:42 AM
maybe 20-50 giga 10-20 sites everyone has its privet cpanel ,unlimted emails mysqldatabas , and fantastico ,,, etc.

Posted by TravisT-[SSS], 09-19-2012, 10:58 AM
Have you found anything in the offer section that works for you? As far as picking a business, e-mail them. Chat with them. See how they can help you.

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-19-2012, 11:10 AM
what is DEDICATED IPs (each) 5$/mo??? DEDICATED IPs what is it imprtnat for ??

Posted by HostSlim-R, 09-19-2012, 11:15 AM
Hi, If you want SSL most importantly. Or some users use that for SEO purpose.

Posted by TravisT-[SSS], 09-19-2012, 11:52 AM
Our dedicated IPs are required for SSL certs and services as they run on their own IP. IPs are also optional.

Posted by BestServerSupport, 09-19-2012, 12:15 PM
With Shared Hosting, by default you will need to use shared IP address of your hosting provider which will also be used by other websites hosted on same server. You will only need to purchase a dedicated IP address, if you are willing to install SSL certificate on your website otherwise it is optional.

Posted by 1recklessguru, 09-20-2012, 01:24 AM
You probably want a company that starts you off on scalable solution, or at least something cost efficient until business picks up for you. Replies above regarding SSL are worthy of some thought for sure. It's best to get out the door running, rather than crawling. Find a provider who is willing to growth with you, and help you along the way. Especially if you are a beginner.

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-20-2012, 02:27 AM
thanks all but u still didnt advice me about the global hosting companies

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-20-2012, 05:05 AM
some questions plz ? do i need to buy a dedcated ip for every site need it ?? or just one for the resseller ?? can i buy a dedcated ip after buying a reseller ?? like upgrade ?? can i buy dedcated ip from onther company or must be from the same company ??? and thanks alot for your support

Posted by Settoz, 09-20-2012, 06:10 AM
You'll not need an Dedicated IP if you're not gonna use SSL certificate. And yes, many hosts offer Dedicated IP as an upgrade. You can not buy a dedicated IP from another host, you need to contact your mainhost to get this.

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-20-2012, 09:46 AM
thanks alot dear but why i must have a WHMCS License ?? can i dont rent it ?? and what is the binifits from it ??

Posted by BestServerSupport, 09-20-2012, 09:57 AM
WHMCS is a billing software to maintain web hosting accounts of customers. You will only need to purchase this if you are going to start a web hosting business.

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-20-2012, 10:11 AM
aha then why will i buy a reseller ?? but plz try to understand my english ( i know it is bad ) i want to start a webhosting business ,, but my customers will not pay by online methods ,, then pervios posts said i will not need to get dedecated ip ok ?? so plz explain to me is WHMCS important to mange the reseller ?? like cpanel to hosts ?? ( mange the host space ,, packeg time ,, controling the limits ) i mean is WHMCS the reseller manger ?? or it is just an online payment method which i should provide to the online payment users ?? pls read the previos replays so u may understand me thanks for your support dears

Posted by TravisT-[SSS], 09-20-2012, 10:25 AM
Yes, you can use WHMCS to automatic manage and setup accounts from reseller.

Posted by GTXSALES, 09-20-2012, 03:13 PM
If you need a WHMCS licence check out they have discounted costs but you don't get direct support from WHMCS however LP support is good enough.

Posted by SkyNetHosting, 09-21-2012, 10:36 PM
If you are starting out a web host with a reseller account it may be a good idea to have a dedicated IP for you and make that IP shared for your customers. Specially this would help with hosts that are getting particular amount of DDOS and another benefit is that you can have your own RDNS etc. You will need to have a SSL in order to provide justification in order to get a dedicated IP.

Posted by shovenose, 09-21-2012, 10:38 PM
Find a Reseller web host that includes WHMCS for free - it's a great thing to have and makes managing your server(s) and clients a lot easier! It's also an industry standard, meaning that people kind of expect it.

Posted by finnysamuel, 09-21-2012, 11:39 PM
I would recommend to start with the offers by few providers. You can start here: (Go through all offers at least for the first 4-5 pages) After reviewing and comparing all the offers based on their offerings, shortlist a few of them and check out the reviews in WHT. Then you can post a thread in WHT seeking specific information/reviews on your preferred provider. I can start with my provider's review - (However, I don't have a reseller account with them - just the shared hosting for my website)

Posted by George_Fusioned, 09-22-2012, 11:37 AM
Since your customer will not pay by online methods you don't need WHMCS. I understand that you want to run something like a local webhosting shop in your town, so customers will find you and pay you cash, and you can then give them cPanel username/password, correct? Then you only need a reseller account, and you're ok

Posted by arminds, 09-22-2012, 12:47 PM
Great to see an Egyptian here, As per your requirements I recommend that you get normal shared hosting "Unlimited Hosting" for example that allows to host multiple domains, and if your customers need control panel access you can later upgrade to reseller. Unlimited Shared hosting currently normally starts at $3-4 USD per month and Reseller from $7-10 USD per month. I also recommend Dedicated IP to to avoid DDOS Attacks. If you have more questions let me know.

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-22-2012, 01:45 PM
dear thanks alot for your support realy it is the answer i want to know and u got my point of view regards dear

Posted by mafiaspy, 09-22-2012, 02:04 PM
thanks dear from me (Egyption) to you it is so defficult to make some one have a just ftp accont they alwys requir cpanel mysql bla bla bla Rarely u find someone like me >>> asking for the real needs for his costumers i will mange my reseller by my own knowledg about the custmors that i can reach them u know ?? alot of websites admins dont know the fair usage of cpanel commands just backup and ftp but they alwys ask for cpanel with fantastico bla bla bla u can but a lamborgini car with the cash of a huge truck u didnt need the truck but u got it because it is huge but really it will be so fine to get the lamborgini and it will aquer ur needs it is long time to me to return to work with internet administarting about 6 years so i ask for somthings that i realy dont know and realy i got the excellant support here

Posted by arminds, 09-22-2012, 02:23 PM
great I wish I could help

Posted by Atlanical-Mike, 09-22-2012, 03:28 PM
Why not check the re-seller forums, you can find loads of providers however. Never use a unlimited disk space or unlimited bandwidth because you will find yourself in a corner when you use as much as the host wants you to have. Some providers allow you unlimited accounts, that means that you can have as many accounts (Clients) however you're limited to the specs you've purchased. Dedicated IP: You can use them for your OWN whitelisted nameservers or for a SSL license. Good Luck on your finding.

Posted by hostwoodward, 09-22-2012, 05:28 PM
I just started my own reseller business a couple of weeks ago. Still getting the details sorted out on what I want to offer and such. But I use Eleven2 because it comes with a dedicated IP address, 100GB of space, 1TB of bandwidth, free WHMCS license, and a lot of goodies included like merchant account for free. It's a little more then $170. I think mine is $215/yr but they have some discounts to get you started. I would defiantly check them out.

Posted by nexxterra, 09-22-2012, 06:22 PM
As much as it pains me to say this, Hostgator has built their business around reseller accounts. They are the one for you if you need to learn as you go. if you like their services, you can also grow without interruptions.

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