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multiple domain hosting

Posted by iskandar, 09-11-2003, 05:06 AM
hi all! I'm in the process of finding the best hosting solution for a local corporation. What the firm needs is one internet hosting account to accomodate multiple websites with their own domain names. After gathering some information, I start thinking that a reseller account would not be a bad idea. The company I'm working for would need a website+domain for the whole group (enterprise) and at least 5 more website+domain for the divisions. The goal is achieving all this under one account, one username, one password, to be handed to the IT/Communication Manager. Am I going on the right track? Would it be possible to access and update all information from the main account? Currently the company uses Verio for one website+domain on which all their e-mail communication is running. This is to be kept as is until the expiration of the contract. Therefore, I would also need to find a provider/host that can be as reliable as Verio; as it is critical for the company's communication. If I am on the right track, I would like to have a suggestion about which host to choose? Please note that, in this case, reliability is far more important than webspace and bandwith. Future upgrades must also be available. Thank You for your help! Iskandar Giusti.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 09-11-2003, 06:12 AM
Hi Kind of. If you wanted true multiple domains, and not just domain pointing etc, then each domain you setup would have its own username and password. Given the mission critical nature of the company's email etc, I would suggest a dedicated server from someone like

Posted by mpalamar, 09-11-2003, 09:43 AM
I would suggest staying with Verio and maybe using their VPS product. You could try for a cheaper Verio solution and no long term contract. A quality server from Rackspace with any type of built in redundency(raid, daily backups) is going to cost decent money.

Posted by centrahost, 09-11-2003, 11:27 AM
All business is "Mission Critical" You don't need a dedicated server and you certainly don't need to throw money at Verio when you can get the same level of service elsewhere. (no offense to Verio supporters) Find a solid company that uses reliable Data Centers. Make sure they manage servers and have admins in house. Cost should run between 25 & 75 a month and you should not pay any setup fees for a CPanel reseller account. Cpanel... I suggest this as your management software. You can keep handle the acocunts via the web interface it offers. See: Find a host that offers it. Check them out. Check out the data centers or center they use. This is not rocket science but there are thousands of children with $99 servers that can suck you in and become a complete nightmare. As usual... "Buyer Beware"

Posted by iskandar, 09-11-2003, 10:46 PM
Thanks for the answers! Suppose, just for security, the current account with Verio will be kept. Therefore, there will be no mission critical operation. I would just need a server reliable enough to host multiple informational web pages and not-so-mission-critical e-mails. Should I proceed with a reseller account? Which one? .isk.

Posted by centrahost, 09-11-2003, 11:06 PM
Well... my point is that Verio is no better than many others. But if you feel more secure leaving them there than do that. That's half the battle. Lot's of good resller services available. Be sure and try before you buy.

Posted by iskandar, 09-11-2003, 11:14 PM
Yeah. I know, just don't want to risk downgrading the service. As I said, the contract with Verio ends in one year... I suppose I have time to check out a reseller and decide whether to transfer that one account from verio. The thing is, how do I test reliability without actually using the service to the level that we currently use Verio for our e-mailing. .isk.

Posted by Website Rob, 09-12-2003, 01:18 AM
Without knowing the requirements for Web space & Data Transfer, it's hard to recommend going with a Server. Even a Reseller account may not be required if you go with a Hoster that provides Cpanel. Cpanel is a Control Panel that allows for 'Add-on' Domains within one Hosting account. Each Domain resolves to it's own URL and can send/receive eMail under it's own Domain name. For reliability testing, is a free service -- checks every 15 min. for as long as want. If you Google 'monitoring' and search within those results, you can probably find more places. A good pay for service is which gives a free 30 day trial.

Posted by iskandar, 09-12-2003, 01:45 AM
OK.. here are some of the requirements... it's really not much 500MB would be enough space (currently using less than 250). 5GB of bandwith is actually enough. Currently the company is paying around 25 monthly at Verio for one website. So costs up to $50 monthly would not be a problem. Hope this would narrow down my search. .isk.

Posted by Website Rob, 09-12-2003, 01:51 AM
Your requirements seem easy enough to provide, unfortunately, your thread is in the wrong forum for Hosters to provide Hosting information. Hosters can only make those type of replies in the "Shared and Reseller Hosting Offers". You can continue this thread to get more opinions, but should start a new thread in the other forum or click the link for "Report this post to a moderator" -- bottom right of every post -- and ask for this thread to moved there.

Posted by iskandar, 09-12-2003, 03:27 AM
thanks for the tip

Posted by Website Rob, 09-12-2003, 03:32 AM
Your welcome. We all start out knowing nothing, where we go from there is up to us.

Posted by weavweb, 09-13-2003, 11:48 AM
I'm currently hosting multiple domains @ They use WHM and Cpanel - both of which I use on a daily basis! So yea, I recommend at least giving them a look. Using there automated ticket system, I get support question(s) answered within minutes. Send them an email with your request.... Thanks Dale

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