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Any McHost People Left?

Posted by Dave Bell, 09-21-2003, 03:35 PM
I left McHost a couple of months ago, just wondering what its like over there at McHost and how you are all doin, if the support problems were fixed, or if the forums ever came back....

Posted by chihuahuabot, 09-21-2003, 04:37 PM
Hears the sound of crickets*

Posted by Adrian, 09-21-2003, 04:42 PM
Well it seems the forums are still gone - doesn't look like they will come back, I guess Marc has decided they no longer fit in with his business model.

Posted by CrazyTech, 09-21-2003, 04:52 PM
I think the last two customers left just recently

Posted by Dave Bell, 09-21-2003, 05:53 PM
Its a shame, McHost were like second-parents for my company as we grew in early 2002. Oh well..... Good-Bye Marc

Posted by coight, 09-22-2003, 01:08 AM
I am sure they still have hundreds of clients.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 09-22-2003, 01:47 AM
Marc would say thousands of clients.

Posted by NewHost, 09-22-2003, 08:09 AM
Myabe I've just been lucky.. I have been in business for 3 years, and have 7 different reseller accounts servicing approx 550 web sites. I have been with McHost for 18 months and would rate them the best as far as uptime, the best as far as overall stability, and of course the worst as far as support. But, as time goes on, I dont need as much support as I used to, and I spend less time yelling at them that I do several of my other hosting companies. I would still recommend them if there support was a little better, and they seem to have moved in that direction

Posted by gambit, 09-22-2003, 03:05 PM
I'm a MCHOST's client looking 4 an alternative, do you know another EXCELLENT company using EV1 or ABONET, I don't move because their speed is excellent.

Posted by irlhost, 09-22-2003, 04:16 PM
What server in mchost are you on?

Posted by toothpick, 09-22-2003, 10:17 PM
My little corner of the web is still hosted at McHost. Well - I think it is anyway... Tonight I can't get to my main domain's e-mail, or C-Panel. WHM - Nope sorry... Can't get to the Customer service area either. Can't get to the Forum - I guess it's dead for good? Sad to hear - I remember when the folks there would bend over backwards to help a upstart like me and expect nothing more than for me help somebody else out in return... Very very sad. I won't take on any new customers after having a billing episode of my own back in July. I spent an entire week completely out of business... No access - no answers - no communication - no service... But - I'm not bitter. When the going gets tough - the tough get going (to where the going is easier!) After that little week from hell - I managed to keep my few remaining customers by not charging them anything more until I can move them to another host. So I guess that about says it all now dosen't it... I've already downloaded my customer's websites and moved them to a new server over the weekend so I don't care if a"spy" decides to kill off my account for good anymore... A few more tweaks and I'll be ready to go on a real life honest to goodness server that I own and have some control over. I wish the best for all the current and former McHoster's out there - good luck.

Posted by quattro4x4, 09-23-2003, 04:52 PM
There cannot be many, i doubt if MCHOST knows how many there are, as ther communication is that bad!

Posted by Charon, 09-23-2003, 08:00 PM
See, now please don't get me wrong, but it's posts like this that really wind me up. The original post was 'Any McHost People Left' which to me means if anyone is left, please post and let us know. Not please speculate and give us any old opinion. Sorry, just been one of those days.

Posted by Laci, 09-23-2003, 08:19 PM
I remember when MChost started , from all Ive read this is really sad .......I did notice that when you go to their forum it comes up I dont know if thats normal for them

Posted by RabidHost, 09-24-2003, 12:49 AM
I left them last year and so happy I did

Posted by quattro4x4, 09-24-2003, 05:06 AM
OK, make that i no i left for the above reason.

Posted by Rajah, 10-01-2003, 05:07 PM
After about 18 months, I still have over 60 sites hosted there on Tijuana and I have only infrequent issues that seem to usually get answered via helpdesk within a fairly reasonable time. I know this is not the typical experience as reported here, but it's what is going on with us. All the problems that get reported here make me a little nervous so we try to keep up-to-date backups available, but everyone should to that anyway. This is not our only reseller, BTW.

Posted by metaphor, 10-03-2003, 09:30 AM
I still have a server there, too, on Cancun. Uptime has been very good and they actually have reverse dns turned on for the awstats --not a small thing. But I swear if they don't get their billing dept sorted out (I spent another 3 hours this week on it) or start communicating I'll join the procession down the anchor chain!

Posted by SimonMc, 10-14-2003, 01:22 PM
I removed my finances from Marc about 6 months ago. Seems like a distant nightmare now. Snuggled into Aussie Bobs lovelly beard and haven't had a problem since. Only joking about Aussie Bobs lovelly's awfull. There are good hosts out there that do give a shi* is just a case of finding them. Mchost used to care when I first joined them. That went down hill rapidly though. I stuck it out for over a year and a half so I am convinced there is still a hard core there. I doubt there are any serious players though as it is not possible to run a business on a wing and a prayer. Good luck to all that are left. Simon

Posted by WebSpy330, 10-14-2003, 02:16 PM
I still remember about a year and 1/2 ago. mchost used to dominate the reseller hosting market. ...oh well.. but i'm sure there are many people still with them

Posted by jamison, 10-15-2003, 09:55 AM
I am still there. I even bought a second reseller account at their 50% discount. Overall I have been happy with the service. However since switching to Modern Bill for their support tickets response time has really slowed down. I do not know if this is because MB handles tickets differently than PerlDesk or staff changes. Loss of the forums is really killing me too. Before I could answer a lot of my own questions, now I have to wait 2 to 3 days to resolve something with the support desk. I'm 75% developer 25% hoster, so right now it makes since for me to stay there instead of sacrificing my billable time to move websites to a new reseller. If they bring back the forums and tweak their support process I'll be a very happy camper. Jamie

Posted by WebSpy330, 10-15-2003, 10:05 AM
wondering why they disabled their forums. It was really bz back then, wasn't it?

Posted by Noodles, 10-15-2003, 05:02 PM
Right from their site: " We provide solutions to over 2000 large web hosts in 80 countries and are managing over 160,000 websites worldwide around the clock" Yikes! 160 thousand websites!!!

Posted by epanico, 10-22-2003, 09:41 PM
I'm still with MCHost too... not because I'm happy with them, only because I don't have time to switch. There were numerous billing issues. I never got them to refund me for two extra charges this summer. It got to the point that all the effort and aggrivation wasn't worth the $70 they owe me. Then they claimed that they didn't have my credit card information and suspended my account. But before they told me that, they told me that my DNS server IP's had to be changed. 48 hrs later, it still wasn't working. All in all I was down for 4 days because they lost my credit card number. And the fact that the forums are gone really sucks... the forum was one of the major reasons I joined them in the first place. They used to be so kick ass, I told everyone about them back in 2001. To me, it seems like MCHost is actually trying to get rid of clients. -e-

Posted by idologicJeff, 10-23-2003, 12:32 AM
I suspect there was more reason for MCHost clients to read WHT when Marc did. *shrugs* Cheers Jeff

Posted by SimonMc, 10-24-2003, 04:29 AM
Pack up and go. It will pay you back 10 fold just in feeling healthier. It can make you ill that kind of strees. Forget 70 bucks. There is no point in ruining your health over it too. Simon

Posted by arly, 10-24-2003, 11:12 PM
I happily moved out a couple of weeks ago.

Posted by Sheddoggie, 11-01-2003, 03:16 AM
As I was walking out, mad, dissapointed, and wondering if I would be billed by them after cancelling my account next month, I heard a voice waayyyyy in the back of a very large empty room say: "Hey would you lock that on your way out." I was down without explaination for 36 hours, got bumped to a different server, yada-yada-yada...many times like this, got tired of it and moved. Sad to see their service take such a nose dive like that, they were a good deal...for a while. But now I'll be slappin shrimp on the Bar-B with my new pals at HTTPme! So far in the 8 hours I've been with them I've had better service than I had in the last 8 months with...those other guys....what was their name again?!?!?

Posted by coight, 11-01-2003, 03:20 AM
I think we have less that 50 customers that come here or have visited here. Now we have over 2000 clients. Sure theirs a fair few vocal on MChost here but I am sure they still have thousands of customers. WHT is not the only place to obtain customers I guess the bad thing about getting customers from WHT is that if you do have problems they will pop up here (IE Citadelhost & MChost) I guess it makes the host strive harder for customer satisfaction

Posted by metaphor, 11-01-2003, 10:19 AM
About the duplicate billings: I spent countless hours over several months documenting the problems for McHost with no acknowledgment. Then I got a little smarter and reported the problems, along with complete details, to PaySystems who immediately issued credits for the extra payments. The next time around ($140 out of the blue) I called Citibank about it and got immediate action. Both times I heard nothing from McHost until I went over them. Feedback from PaySystems and Citibank seems to get their attention, and concerned messages from McHost were finally forthcoming. Too late, alas. We're out of there.... Perhaps this more direct approach will help resolve other clients'/ex-clients billing problems?

Posted by vikingkarwur, 11-04-2003, 01:10 AM
I left McHost about 7 months ago... I was there for 1 year... I left McHost, because *server* down, and all my client left my business... Now, McHost is too expensive...

Posted by racelance, 11-05-2003, 02:02 PM
I'm still there - been there for a long time. I've recently purchased a VPS II server as well. Marc & crew have always been wonderful to me. I've had issues with my old server, mentioned it a couple of time (downtime was terrible) - so they moved me to a new server which seemed to work great. Now I'm starting to get double billed & they suspended my acct. - I've tried to contact them but nobody is responding. It feels good to vent, but I'm certainly not bashing them - they have treated me well throughout. It's been 18 hours since they've suspended my accounts (having clients yelling in my ear all day!). Hopefully they resolve this issue shortly! Lance

Posted by SimonMc, 11-05-2003, 03:19 PM
Yep...they certainly deserve the praise you are giving. I see how well they are treating you. They treated me just as well. Glad to see things are going so well for you Simon

Posted by bear, 11-05-2003, 03:50 PM
LOL Simon...

Posted by mrzippy, 11-06-2003, 01:58 AM
soon ......

Posted by Aussie Bob, 11-06-2003, 03:32 AM
Ahhhh, that's actually soon™

Posted by page-zone, 11-06-2003, 05:48 PM
I've had three reseller accounts there for the past two years or so and have had ZERO problems for the past year and a half. Although I did quit and change my credit card out completely to prevent further billing a year and a half ago. But last time I checked I still have three working reseller accounts there :-)

Posted by SimonMc, 11-06-2003, 06:43 PM
CONGRATULATIONS. Welcome to Willy Wonkers Hosting Factory. There will be an Umper Lumper along to take care of your server in a moment. You are THE holder of the last GOLDEN Ticket. Jim my really are the one. On a completely different subject. This is the only McHost Post that has remained unlocked. Simon

Posted by couped, 11-06-2003, 08:06 PM
When I left, I was refunded 5 months from paysystems. I didn't even have to give a reason. Marc never disputed it. It has been well over 8 months now and I still have shell access. I don't use it but I know it works. It really is time for them to audit their servers.

Posted by minoan, 11-27-2003, 03:30 PM
I left them two months ago and i am very happy for my decision! I have a dedicated server in and i am very pleased with the guys... Also i have to mention that the transfer of my files was rapid and when mchost found out what i was doeing they try to stop this by suspending my account telling me that my account was causing spamm... Do you know many hosting buisness owners that could do sutch thing? I told them next time to find some other excuse...

Posted by rayg, 12-13-2003, 09:20 AM
I had significant issues with them. It looked as if Marc was going to get uncool about technicalities (while possibly ignoring issue details) and start attacking me for money. I carefully communicated with him, making clear I had intention to pay anything reasonably owed. In the end (as it now recently seems), Marc took the high road and resolved my situation as I requested without trying to go after this money. I certainly appreciated this, I knew it was right, and thought that it was the integritous and pro thing to do. I'm not going against anyone's praise or complaints about them, I'm just telling a story. Hopefully, this may indicate something positive about where they are trying to go. I'm hoping he will help me with my request to access my account to get a somewhat important backup. I know, I should have gotten one for sure before.

Posted by minoan, 12-13-2003, 02:49 PM
I am amazed! A costumer from mchost! If you try another host you will see the difference.. They never payed atention to me as a costumer! Only when i posted in this forum Mark responded asap! Ask your self why they closed their forum? It was full of complaints! I have lost many costumers because of them! Make your self a favor! Get of them fast!

Posted by matriarchy, 12-14-2003, 05:27 PM
It's been almost a year since I left, after being a Mchost client for 18 months. My hosting business has quadrupled and I have accounts with four vendors. I can say that my Mchost experience educated me as a host, especially the forums. I still regularly read a number of forums... but not because my vendors are not providing support.

Posted by rayg, 12-18-2003, 05:46 AM
No, minoan, I'm not quite what you thought. I'm another ex-customer. The issues I dealt with caused me to decide to resolve things by bailing out in late October, before my post above. Marc answered my email about the backup, saying it would be taken care of. Cool, but I hope it does not turn out similar to instances described here where things said are not actually done in the end.

Posted by xtsy, 12-18-2003, 11:50 AM
Been with Mchost for more than 2 years(I may be the oldest customer????????).Have had problems, especialy with customer services and non answering tickets, but they do fix things even though they dont answer your questions and end of the day thats what I want. Uptime is really good for last few months .no other known problems. I may be the lucky customer because I never had any billing issues with MC host.Overall I dont bother to move because I think all companny are same and they do whatever they have to do to keep their customers happy, be it mchost,HTTP or Dath. Merry christmas to all of you. Regards

Posted by grafikat, 01-14-2004, 01:45 AM
I wandered away from them over a year ago. I was on Cancun. Left for most of the reasons cited above... Happy over at voxtreme now...very active and knowledgeable forum and excellent support.

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