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Advice using accounts-Bluewho/Simpli

Posted by oracleweb, 01-03-2004, 11:18 PM
Hi folks I have reseller accounts at and Bluewho Very happy with both so far but having some debate about how to use the accounts I have some large cgi intensive websites one with large (for me not large in the sceme of web forums) membership forum and an online college (very small college;-)) which I want to give the best situation Bluewho has been great..great uptime, support awesomely fast However given the last experience I wanted a back up and set up an additional account on Simpli has its servers at abovenet..and a 99.9% guarantee with money back for downtime and a longer track record Response time is slower than bluewho..but they ave a toll free number (returned callwithin 24 hours) and a much longer track record The simpli account has 8 gig space and 100 bandwidth uses directadmin Bluewho is cpanel about 5 gig space and 60 bandwidth Computers are Pentium 111's but ping rates as good as Simpli's Pentiuns4's Any suggestions on how to decide which sites to host where? Thanks Renee

Posted by oracleweb, 01-03-2004, 11:20 PM
How important would you rate keeping a second host I do not need the space at this time and funds are limited but I do not want to take chances with my sites again I might be being over reactive getting the second account ??? Thanks in advance

Posted by Taylor, 01-04-2004, 12:20 AM
Just go with your gut on this one. I'm sure you're at least leaning a sliver towards one way or the other, do it. These are both great companies and you will be in good hands either way. It becomes pure preference.`

Posted by oracleweb, 01-04-2004, 12:33 AM
Thanks Taylor They do seem like good companies. Do I need two companies? Or should feel one with back up is enough? Also..would you consider BlueWho and Simpli in the same league? I love the support and such at blue who... Does the Pentium III versus IV matter? Best Renee

Posted by Laci, 01-04-2004, 01:52 AM
Ill pitch in my thoughts on the P3 Vs P4 from my understanding its about the same provided you dont overload the server which is something Adrian doesnt do , re your concern I totally understand , you have a bit of host related PTSD going on , maybe the answer is to hold on to both until you *feel * comfortable , you need to follow your gut on this one.

Posted by oracleweb, 01-04-2004, 02:04 AM
It does feel like PTSD I have been avoiding dealing with my sites ... Having panic attacks a the thought of changing dns again etc lol So I think what I am hearing so far is that two hosts are only needed for emotional assistance... Most folks at my last host kept a back up but that was a lower end host... Does the be safe by having two idea not apply to hosts like bluewho or simpli?

Posted by ericabiz, 01-04-2004, 02:30 AM
Hi Renee, Glad to hear you got your welcome email and your password problem straightened out... in fact, I was just getting ready to email you back about that tonight to make sure everything was okay. In case anyone is wondering, we're, not -Erica

Posted by oracleweb, 01-04-2004, 02:37 AM
Ahh Sorry Erica about the wrong name thing By the way...I have no question about the quality of Simpli's Web services (at ;-) In fact outside of your directadmin would be out of my price range ---well except that by doing both bluewho and the special I get right up there LOL So What I am trying to discern is if two accounts make sense for me or if I am having a hosting ptsd response as Laci suggests ;-) Also checking out whether the two are comparable Very hppy wth you guys so far...and what a relief to see a website with some class instead of the ordinary hosting sites ;-) Best Renee

Posted by wheimeng, 01-04-2004, 06:32 AM
I would definitely recommend simpli as I have contacted them for few times and proven to be great company to deal with.

Posted by Laci, 01-04-2004, 01:51 PM
Renee , Ive had hosting PTSD to *twitch* when I first landed I was still scouring forums reading offers and reviews , I feel like Im telling you what to do and I dont want to do that but here I go lol I think that you can relax and weed it down to one company I have no experience with Simpli other than enjoying reading Erica's posts , Adrian is on a good path and someone you can relax with . I know Im kidding with the PTSD comments but really its something similar , for weeks everytime any lil thing would happen I was crawling all over poor Adrian , I think the real issue is you got burned and you dont want it to happen again , go with your Heart/ Gut it wont lead you wrong. Do I think 2 companies are *needed* no Good luck and if you ever need to tallk you know where I am

Posted by PhoneSupport, 01-04-2004, 02:53 PM
BlueWho is the best in my opinion. They have given me the greatest support (Answer questions in a matter of seconds (MY record was 1:32 mins)). They have fast servers, and go further than any host to make your stay as nice as possible. I have never experianced downtime with Bluewho (Except when I accidently filled up their TMP dir to 100% but was fixed in a matter of seconds) and even help me transfer all my reseller accounts to my new dedicated server, even though they are loosing me as a customer. I think BlueWho is the best for you, they have been for me and all of their many clients. Regards, James Parmee Morris Director

Posted by lotswin, 01-05-2004, 08:53 PM
Try fast reply on support, good uptime and nice ppl

Posted by oracleweb, 01-05-2004, 09:59 PM
lol Just to clarify. I believe both of these options rock The question is whether to pay to haVE two HOSTS INSTEAD OF ONE. I am tending toward no..except if we grow and need space and bandwidth then expanding to a second (would likely be of these two) would make more sense Best Renee

Posted by RossMAN, 01-06-2004, 01:08 AM
If you can spare the extra $39/mo (paid quarterly I think) I would consider getting an account with simply because: 1) Great track record 2) In my informal tests their server speed (the first 200 posts are concerning are fast, this doesn't take into consideration the hundreds of "lurkers" downloading that 20MB test file as well. 3) Nice data center 4) I love DirectAdmin 5) 8GB/100GB for $39/mo is an incredible deal. If I only needed one host I would probably go with BlueWho. I posted a dozen same questions on 5 or 6 web hosts forums. They were among the quickest (17 minutes to be exact) and responded to all of my questions. I like their forums which seem to be busy and have a good friendly attitude. I just wish they weren't at NAC (my HTTPme acct is already at NAC). I want to have a resellers account at every major DC I called and spoke with Erica about a month ago with some pre-sales questions. She was very friendly and knowledgeable, gave me a very warm fuzzly feeling. I also slipped in a thank you to her for her thread which got locked Either way you can't go wrong.

Posted by ericabiz, 01-06-2004, 01:56 AM
Actually, that plan is $39 monthly. There is no quarterly or yearly option. Thank you for your positive comments!

Posted by oracleweb, 01-06-2004, 02:04 AM
Erica-- If I do end up canceling...know it is in no way a criticism. Far from it. It looks terrific! At least my thinking this through helps people know about two really good hosts I have noticed few threads or reviews about Simpli (when I looked for them here) Best Renee Last edited by oracleweb; 01-06-2004 at 02:11 AM.

Posted by RossMAN, 01-06-2004, 02:09 AM
No, thank you. I wasn't sure if the pricing was monthly or quarterly but thanks for clearing that up.

Posted by oracleweb, 01-14-2004, 07:34 PM
Hi folks, Thank you for the comments It is my sense that I have made some good solid choices this time around. I was going to stay just with BlueWho but a member of my temple needs a bunch of space so we will share the Simpli account I am really glad to have these two options...and I do suspect that either is likely to be perfectly stable... It is nice to have both though Best Renee

Posted by InSite, 01-15-2004, 04:21 AM
Well I'll certainly sleep better knowing that

Posted by oracleweb, 01-15-2004, 04:23 AM
No.. I suspect Adrian won't sleep at all

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