
Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Articles Database > the company where the protection and support do not work the company where the protection and support do not work

Posted by webcloud, 07-04-2016, 06:44 PM
I'm two weeks with the RSnet and so far they have not discovered why my server is offline for several hours and DDoS protection so forget it does not detect anything. They disclose that has quality but so far I haven't seen any, and when you need to restart your server has to be submitted ticket. I expected more from a company that you keep saying it's the best but so far I haven't found the problem in my machine stay off several hours a day.

Posted by Mike_A, 07-04-2016, 06:49 PM
Let me guess, you went over the mitigation capacity you ordered and they nulled you? If so there's nothing wrong with that. Otherwise, if not, then what happened? Did it saturate the servers port? What's the resource usage during the attack? Assuming you were monitoring your server. Maybe take a tcpdump when it happens via IPMI? p.s. no I don't use RSNet.

Posted by ReliableSite, 07-04-2016, 07:00 PM
Sorry to hear about your experience. Do you have a ticket # I can reference? I'm seeing that all tickets have been answered promptly in our queue and that you have been posting in every recent thread about us you can find versus reaching out to us on our proper channels. Proper channels: Support, if you can't legitimately find a solution there, we have a feedback department. We average an under 15 minute initial reply time to support tickets. Feedback tickets can take some more time as they are sent up to management. Remember that DDoS protection isn't a one size fits all. There are attacks that are application layer that cannot be filtered by the filter without dropping your traffic in the process...this is all mentioned in our knowledge base and we provide recommendations for fixes and alternate solutions for traffic that can't be filtered out at the network layer. We can make filtering changes, but we will need a packet dump and detailed information on what should be filtered out based on the specific packet dump. Last edited by ReliableSite; 07-04-2016 at 07:10 PM.

Posted by SenseiSteve, 07-04-2016, 07:19 PM
There's more to this thread than meets the eye. WHT is not a support avenue for clients, although that's what it takes sometimes to wake up some hosts. Personally, I need more than to formulate an educated analysis of this thread. Are you still currently with them? Have you migrated elsewhere?

Posted by Madbunny, 07-05-2016, 12:13 AM
Check his old post it will become all more clear.

Posted by CyberKeys, 07-05-2016, 08:53 AM
You better get a backup from your data right now if you dont want to lose them remember this If they find out who you are, they will cancel your servers without refund. They did this to me because of my thread so dont expect they solve anything for you here, Their representative in this forum deny every thing, he will keep telling lies and once you provide enough information that prove who you are, you will receive an email shortly from his supervisor that they no longer want to provide service to you.

Posted by ReliableSite, 07-05-2016, 09:16 AM
This is completely inaccurate information, a blatant lie. We notified you that your servers with us would not renew due to foul language and staff abuse. You were fully aware when the servers were going to be canceled and had tons of opportunity to pull your data before your server was canceled at the end of the billing period. We did not immediately take the servers offline.

Posted by ReliableSite, 07-05-2016, 09:17 AM
Thank you, I reviewed the original posters history and can definitely see a pattern with past providers.

Posted by SenseiSteve, 07-05-2016, 01:06 PM
I didn't check the OPs history, but I do trust @Madbunny's opinion here and John's response.

Posted by CyberKeys, 07-05-2016, 03:33 PM
Its interesting that you always show up in all threads against and take their side. sorry but your opinion worth nothing here since you are a reliablesite shill

Posted by smallcrush, 07-05-2016, 03:41 PM
They indeed lie on a number of things, for example them claiming to have Level(3) and GBLX routing on their network page here,, which initially had raised red flags for me. I can't comment on the OP's post though as I never used them, but I use Choopa for a fileserver, same network, no Level(3) whatsoever, at neither RSNet's locations. I'd go to Choopa/Reliableservers if I were you... ReliableServers here have better deals than RSNet, and you get put on the same network than RSNet (if you deem that network good for your purpose, which I didn't for gameservers 6 months ago), check the dedicated offers.

Posted by ReliableSite, 07-05-2016, 03:45 PM
Four posts out of nearly 5000 makes him a shill? It would be funny that a competitor would act as a shill.

Posted by CyberKeys, 07-05-2016, 04:18 PM
For sure its more than 4 posts , Is he a reseller or something, why he is advertising for you? P.S: funny thing about reliablesite is that they are using cloudflare to protect themselves against DDoS attacks, they dont even trust their own services

Posted by ReliableSite, 07-05-2016, 04:26 PM
Did you even click into any of those links? Most of them just have our company and his user name on the same page, please stop already, you're clearly just trolling at this point. Or maybe using Cloudflare as a CDN to deliver content faster to extremely remote locations where we don't have a local presence. As you know....that's Cloudflare's primary purpose... Last edited by ReliableSite; 07-05-2016 at 04:30 PM.

Posted by alexnuke, 07-05-2016, 04:54 PM
They used to have level 3 long time. I was and still a customer of But lately their network is changing. I had couple of downtime's in last few months with last one where even their website wasn't reachable. Off-topic - What do you use for gameservers, now?

Posted by smallcrush, 07-06-2016, 03:03 AM
Altough I would prefer an unmanaged dedi from a non-game-hosting-company I've settled with NFOServers in NYC (NYC was needed because of EU/East Coast players). Dedicated machines, unmanaged plan. It's more expensive than RSNet/Choopa/Reliableservers/etc. but it never has routing issues that last more than a week, even when the inbound path is at fault (they are able to poise the routes or stop advertising an ASN). Internap does the job great for me, and NYC is their biggest location, so I would say their network probably is as good as the more expensive hosts here like Steadfast (which is also very good). I would never go back with a host without intelligent routing, plus it seems the servers get more popular with those latencies (increase in server popularity). That's the cheapest host I've found in NYC that provide decent machines with intelligent routing. Btw, yes they used Level(3) awhile ago, which stopped in mid 2014, so its been 2 years since they had any L3. Having those outdated infos still on their page now, 2 years later, is in my opinion a straight out lie they are happy to expose to fool some people in. It's a name for quality, quality they just don't have in their routing, as we speak. Last edited by smallcrush; 07-06-2016 at 03:06 AM.

Posted by alexnuke, 07-06-2016, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the info. My tickets aren't being replied at all by since last 2-3 days. I will wait and if no resolution comes out, I will make a move. I really liked them since i have been with them since last 8 years or more on same hardware. But i believe 3 days and no reply to the ticket has started bothering me with recent issues where more downtime has been noticed. Sorry for the off topic from current topic. I believe that's wrong on Reliableservers to show Level 3 has being used in their network peering while they don't even use it. I hope @RSNET-John can clarify the case because for me, I always had a pleasant conversation with him in past. He seems like a good guy.

Posted by ReliableSite, 07-06-2016, 10:59 AM
We have no affiliation with other than utilizing the same network. We advertise on our site the peering that Choopa advertises on their ASN. Basically passing on the info that we have. Whether Choopa decides to route through specific provides one day and not another is completely out of our control. This thread is way off topic. Can it be closed? The OP clearly doesn't have any tickets that haven't been replied to.

Posted by A2 - Alex, 07-06-2016, 11:17 AM
I'm not defending RS as I haven't used them but just wanted to state, CloudFlare doesn't only offer certain levels of DDoS protection. They offer a great CDN among other things so just because they use it, doesn't mean they don't trust their own services (which I am sure they do as they offer it to their clients).

Posted by webcloud, 07-06-2016, 11:51 AM
Well what can I say I changed my company and I'm calm now. But my experience with Reliable website was not the best and from what I saw has other unhappy customers.

Posted by ReliableSite, 07-06-2016, 12:17 PM
You have still yet to provide a ticket numbers for reference to back up your claims...

Posted by smallcrush, 07-07-2016, 03:54 AM
Not to insult you but that reply is so bullsh*t, just saying. You use them in Miami and New Jersey. Neither those locations have Level(3), nor GBLX. AS20473 has 10+ locations, some of their locations (very few) actively use Level(3), some don't. New Jersey and Miami doesn't use Level(3) nor GBLX *AT ALL*, and these 2 locations haven't been using them since 2 years, so yeah. This is not off-topic, the OP states he is not happy with your service, and states you lie. You then state he lies. I just chime in to explain that you lie as well, my opinion is not favorable over hosts that straight out lie about their routing, that's false advertising. You act like you don't know what is in your blend at both locations, do you think people will gobble that? If it's truly the case then you're incompetent, just saying, because that would mean I know your blend better than you do. Note I'm not taking sides, but you're shady in your replies here to be frank.

Posted by DotNetPal, 07-10-2016, 10:20 AM
I have been using servers for last 1 year now in NY location. For the initial few months uptime and support were quite good, but from last couple of months, there had been a lot of downtime. My server's IP is being caught in the DC's firewall and suddenly become inaccessible. Support was also lethargic at times. Lost many clients due to downtime..lost business. I have now shifted to another provider.

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