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Posted by Carl_Douglas, 04-14-2004, 08:38 AM
I've been looking at their reseller packages here: and given the incredibly low costs and the similarity in price to their almost identical shared hosting plans I'm a little sceptical. Firstly I was wondering if there are there any existing clients here that would care to comment on the service they have received from GigaBytz? A domain search reveals the domain is very recently registered (within the last couple of months I believe) and a search on these forums yields little evidence other than a few recent posts from what I assume is the owner himself advertising his plans and other users who have mentioned the company as a result of the 'Host Quote' service. I'm not bothered about the company being newly established nor the only support method being by PerlDesk - support is not something I anticipate having to rely on much. I did receive a fairly quick reply (within a couple of hours) to my sales query but this isn't quite enough to assure me that I'll be making a wise move to go with this host. What does everyone think?

Posted by Shoey, 04-14-2004, 08:54 AM Look at their contact page, only a form... Bad...

Posted by Carl_Douglas, 04-14-2004, 09:04 AM
Yeah that's one of the things which I'm not very happy about but it's not enough to deter me completely. Unless there's a serious server problem on their end I don't expect ever needing to contact them. I do find myself wishing they had a server status page but this is something many hosts don't have so I can't really judge them on that.

Posted by angelic81, 04-14-2004, 11:20 AM
I think their costs are reasonable for the space they give, I have seen other hosts offer similar plans. What is bad about having a form on the contact page? I see they have a Support page wich looks like a ticket system? Again I never used this company and never heard of them I just don't see anything bad about them from their website, do a who-is check on them see how long theyve been around

Posted by Carl_Douglas, 04-14-2004, 02:00 PM
I'm pleased to see that someone else thinks there costs are reasonable compared to others because in my travels I haven't seen any reseller plans anywhere near that - shared yes, but never reseller plans. I guess the problem with having a web form as sole means of contact is that if a host's website goes down then so does the means of contacting them. This is particularly a problem as GigaBytz's PerlDesk ticket system would also go down so sales enquiries and existing clients would be stuck without any means of contact. I personally admire web host's who list IM details as alternative means of contacting them because then if email and HTTP services both go down on the main server you can always rely on good old Messenger, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo etc. to still be there. The whois check revealed the domain as being registered on the 13th March 2004 which would indicate they are a mere month old but from their presence on Google already as well as numerous other posts from the owner on this forum I don't know whether that might be incorrect. When a domain is renewed after the expiry date (but before the redemption period) does the creation date change as a result? Does anybody else know anything about them?

Posted by Atome, 05-25-2004, 02:26 PM
the domain look for sale? I can't see any page. thanks

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