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Turn key WHM/Cpanel or H-sphere? Confusion...

Posted by Atome, 05-25-2004, 11:56 AM
Hi again, I will start another topic because I have found lots of info about that but now Im a little bit confuse on my final decision. I found the WHM/Cpanel interesting but without some automation like whmautopilot im not sure. Yes I know, He offer lot of great features but he sound me like more than what they need really. H-Sphere look to be very good for automate tools too. I have found a WHM turn key solution at and at the moment I have see and as a h-sphere host. The price seems to be higher for h-sphere too, so It's a negative point for me because I begin. Hostgator like solution or H-sphere, what is the best for you? What I have to know before take a desicion? Do you have some great advices? And the great one, Do you know great h-sphere host at good price? Thanks to everybody for your comments!

Posted by mediopia, 05-25-2004, 12:20 PM
Hello Atome, H-Sphere might sound like an expensive solution to you but it is actually far more cost effective than CPanel or any other control panel. Consider, for instance, the billing and support software you are going to buy with cpanel. Then maintaining and integrating it and what not. There is an initial investment of ~ $500 in buying Hsphere and setting it up, if you are going to own servers, after which you can just sit tight for a considerable period of time without spending ANYTHING on the software. If you start with a reseller, however, then its a much affordable proposition for you. You could start for as low as a $20 Its been smooth sailing for us since the last two years we have been using it. Another thread about hsphere and cpanel going on at: here , you might want to chime in there too. Hope this helps. Regards, Last edited by mediopia; 05-25-2004 at 12:26 PM.

Posted by pmabraham, 05-25-2004, 01:48 PM
Greetings: Since H-Sphere provides complete hosting automation at a very reasonable price, most hosting providers should realize a return on their investment within a short period of time. We are slowly closing in our two year mark with H-Sphere. In that time period we have reduced our shared hosting technical support staff while growing the customer base without any deterioration in service. H-Sphere has allowed us to service more customers with fewer resources. In the past eight years, we’ve been on four systems (three just another control panel solutions, and then H-Sphere). Thee three other “just another control panel” solutions all required some form of kludgery to get towards 75% automation; and then if the technical support person didn’t document the kludge or otherwise moved on, we were left hanging as a company (kludges generally don’t last long). I don’t know if Positive Software is doing it anymore; but, a short while back installations from them were free if you purchased your licenses from a H-Sphere reseller (reseller of licenses who may nor may not sell hosting). A number of license resellers sell at $4.00 for a license in small quantities; and can sell in as low as 50 licenses (note: we found out from psoft upper management last week that while a reseller can sell in blocks of 25, the reseller can only buy in blocks of 50 from psoft) So you spend $200 (50 x $4.00). The installation (if not waived) is $95 from Psoft no matter the size of your H-Sphere cluster). So for $200 (if install is waived) to $295, you now have an automated hosting company that you can grow. Need to add additional servers to your H-Sphere cluster… no problem. The server(s) are in another data center… no problem. The list goes on, but the bottom line is that if you operate two or more servers (sometimes even one makes sense), then H-Sphere will save you money and resources over time. Thank you. P.S. We are not employed by Positive Software. We have no relatives within Positive Software. We don’t have an ownership (voting or non-voting interest) in Positive Software. We just love H-Sphere.

Posted by pmabraham, 05-25-2004, 01:51 PM
Greetings: FYI... While the greatest H-Sphere savings are for the hosting provider; H-Sphere resellers of H-Sphere providers benefit from the same automation. There is no quick-n-dirty fixes to make something work together; it simple works.

Posted by Atome, 05-25-2004, 02:04 PM
mediopia and dynamicnet: thank you for your answer! But what do you think about WHMautopilot that is come with the package at hostgator? Others: If someone are really good reseller hosting plug with h-sphere let me know please... good price versus good service.

Posted by mediopia, 05-25-2004, 02:11 PM
Hello Atome, Although I do not have first hand experience of Cpanel, but from what I have heard WHMAutopilot does not do automated billing and does not have a support center module integrated in to it. Even with this plug in cpanel will still severely lack the standard functionality of h-sphere. Regards,

Posted by Atome, 05-25-2004, 02:22 PM
mediopia, can you recommend me other hosts who sell reseller hosting like you to compare? I search and I don't find lot of host who offer acceptable plan for me with h-sphere... thank you very much

Posted by mediopia, 05-25-2004, 02:38 PM
Hello Atome, I wish I could help you with recommendations on other hosts. But there is a conflict of interest as you can see. My hand tied. I hope some one else will come forward and recommend you a few more. Thank you. With best regards,

Posted by IHSL, 05-25-2004, 02:40 PM
Precisely. From it's cluster capabilities, to it's 'all in' mentality, H-Sphere is beyond any of the other control panel's out there. The big difference, as mentioned by dynamicnet, is the fact that it's not 'just another control panel', it's so much more. Servers are so easy to add, it's almost funny. Services themselves are easy to add/remove, the list really does go on and on. Take the demo, on pSoft's site, and you can see for yourself it's pure power and it's amazing offering. Simon

Posted by Atome, 05-25-2004, 03:07 PM
I see that everybody who use H-sphere is here to recommend it and no one who use WHM/Cpanel have good think to say on the WHMautopilot functionnalities etc... it's probably because not lot of people use atomated fucntion with WHM. So now I think the point goes to H-Sphere, but now can you recommand me some good places who offer this kind of reseller account? Im interested but for now I don't have really find lot of comparison. thanks again for all

Posted by (Stephen), 05-25-2004, 03:18 PM
Atome, there is a long list of providers at it is about as non biased as you can get on WHT, as many people are restricted from posting their affiliations except for their signatures.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 05-25-2004, 03:38 PM
Im surprised you removed your signature - Simon is one of the better hsphere reseller providers - I would contact him (or his staff) and ask him as many questions as you like... Hsphere has been simply outstanding for us in a dedicated environment - As a reseller (or prospective reseller) - the only thing you need to know is there is a bit of a learning curve for new users - but - its well worth the effort.... Hope this helps...

Posted by Atome, 05-25-2004, 03:50 PM
thank you very much again for all, I will check this out and I will come back here to check if anyone have other suggestions. See ya later!

Posted by (Stephen), 05-25-2004, 04:05 PM
Andrew, Simon removed his signature out of respect for the poster and the thread. I respect him for that, not using this for a time to push his service even in subtle ways. I would check that one out too.

Posted by Atome, 05-25-2004, 04:57 PM
diyhosting look great but little expensive...

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