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install **Nic*** Card

Posted by monitor2000com, 07-01-2010, 11:10 AM
Hello , i have tried to install my NIC card on Redhat/Centos/Fedora . but i have confronted with error mentioned below during installation . # rpm -bb SPECS/tg3.spec -bb : unknown option i also tried 'rpmbuilder' command which confronted with the same problem , i was wondering if anyone could help me to install my NIC card .

Posted by Mopman, 07-01-2010, 01:38 PM
When you say rpmbuilder, do you mean that you tried rpmbuild?

Posted by OLM | DavidG, 07-01-2010, 01:59 PM
What brand/model NIC are you trying to install?

Posted by StevenG, 07-01-2010, 06:32 PM
The tg3 driver should be in the kernel already, if you are running stock redhat. Have you tried to just use modprobe tg3 ? You will need to provide more details if the module isn't already installed in the kernel, as some OEM nics (eg DELL) have drivers not compatable with some kernels, you would get the driver from the vendors website in that case. Can you post what make/model machine it is, and what nic you are trying to install and also the kernel version currently installed - If so, you'll likely get better assistance with that problem.

Posted by monitor2000com, 07-02-2010, 01:56 AM
Hello 1 ) NIC Mode information : 07:00.0 Ethernet Controller:Broadcom Copration Unknown device 1713 (rev 02) i downloaded the driver from Broadcom website and as they told i must use rpm -bb / rpmbuild command to install the driver 2 ) i downloaded the different type of linux and having the same problem will centos/redhat/fedora . 3 ) modprobe tg3 also doesn`t work , as a matter of fsct it`s a .spec file and i have to run by rpm -bb ro rpmbuild command , thank you

Posted by monitor2000com, 07-02-2010, 01:57 AM
Hello , sorry for that mistake , yes i tried rmpbuild command which was an unknown command .

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