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Posted by yolinux, 12-08-2010, 02:59 PM
Hi all, Does any1 have any experiance with mod_pagespeed. I have installed mod_pagespeed in a vps server. But I don't see much difference in the speed or performance.

Posted by dlewis23, 12-21-2010, 10:51 AM
I started playing around with it yesterday on a cPanel box. I first installed it on a OpenVZ VPS to test it and I found out that, that is a no no. My VPS load went through the roof and I read around and found out I was not the only one. It seems to be something that kills VPS's and doesn't make much of a difference in performance. The cPanel box I'm running it on it made a big difference in performance for page loads. After the load went down. Once I restarted apache with the module installed the load on my server went to about 150, but pages were still loading. It took about 45 minutes for the load to come down to a reasonable level. Once the load was down pages loaded as quickly as when I ran litespeed on the server. I turned it off before I went to bed last night just so nothing would happen while I was sleeping. I just turned it on again and will post more later today if anyone wants to know anything else.

Posted by yolinux, 12-21-2010, 11:10 AM
Do you know why the load went high.....which process was using the CPU?

Posted by dlewis23, 12-21-2010, 11:26 AM
Thats what I couldn't figure out on the VPS. No process was standing out as using a ton of CPU so I just gave up on using it on a VPS.

Posted by Ramprage, 12-21-2010, 11:32 AM
You might want to look at this thread started not to long ago.

Posted by yolinux, 12-21-2010, 01:49 PM
I thing the load has increased due to some other reason....please use top and pstree commands to find the exact cause 4 load

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