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My 17 Month Experience With Gazzin...

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-13-2006, 12:04 AM
The following is my experience with Gazzin which I have posted in their testimonial forum and it was deleted by Gazzin from their testimonials (Then why they have testimonial forum?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***Hope this thread will not be deleted*** I was on Panda when I signed-up. After few months I was switched to Cheetah as Panda failed to deliver mails to China. When I was in Cheetah my heart was always in my mouth due to frequent downtimes. After few months it became some what normal. Then again trouble. Again normal. Life went on like this. But people from Gazzin always say their server was up and running fine. But really we experienced lot of problems. Finally after few weeks they will say 1 customer did all the thing and they have moved him to another server... like this. So I was promised to move be moved to a new server which never happened. They know they had problems. If they refuse... then they need to show the uptime monitoring report by a 3rd party like or atleast their own internal MRTG / RRD Tool / Cacti kind of monitoring for services displayed in cPanel on Cheetah for the past one year. Finally the big one came. Cheetah was black-listed by SPAMHAUS and emails were bouncing back. My customers started firing me and many even left. But Gazzin response was poor and slow in dealing the problem. After few resellers really left Gazzin and informed them, they woke lately. Atleast a move to other server was sufficient for many resellers as only very few use dedicated IP. Lot of small... small things are there... but all waste of time to write them here. My Evidence: Search for "Cheetah Down" in Client Support forum if you have access. 98 results will pop-up. Around 15% of total thread. Keep error match -5% So finally keep 10% of total threads for Cheetah Down. My Support tickets with Gazzin. Finally... I decided to move out of Gazzin on Jan 2nd week and completed in 3rd week. I have pre-paid for an year ($9.95 x 12) and informed Gazzin to keep my money until February 4th week and return my 7 month's payment after that as I no longer require my account. But I got a reply from Gazzin... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Prepayments are all non-refundable which I apologize for. Your service will be there for the remaining of the service. -William Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: DWT-649915 Department: Billing Priority: Critical Status: Closed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Their Terms & Conditions display.... 1.6. Refund Policy Refund Policy Customer has seven days to do a "trial version" with our package. In these seven days period the customer has the right to cancel or demand a full refund if they are not satisfy with the service. However, after exceeding this seven day period the customer will not be entitled to a full refund and they will be billed until a cancellation is incited. However, customers are entitled to a pro rate refund for any unused days in a given month. This refund policy applies to only Gazzin Network Web hosting Services. Kindly read (Hope Gazzin will not change now) Wheather I cannot understand English or Mr. Willam do not know English? or Cheetah do not belong to Gazzin? I remember a customer few days back posting "Gazzin Robbed my Money" I contacted BBBOnline 3 weeks back regarding Gazzin. But Gazzin did not respond to them. (Then why Gazzin use BBBOnline Logo ?) Hope Gazzin will not tell they never received mail from BBBOnline. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Complaint #98085386 - Thank you for letting us know of your dissatisfaction with the company’s response to your complaint. In a further effort to help you reach a mutually satisfactory resolution, we forwarded your comments to the company. However, because the company has chosen not to respond, we must close our file on your complaint. We will note in our files that you disputed the outcome of this complaint, and this will become part of the information we report to the public about this company. Thank you for contacting us about this complaint. The Better Business Bureau -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally I thank which taught me lessons that how one should not do business like them, never feel good if you see -ve testimonials in their own place, never pay advance money for more than a month, problems involved in selecting a cheap host etc. Once again BIG Thanks & BYE BYE P.S: Hope you will not charge my CC after 7 months for 2006 - 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Above is some of my experience with Gazzin. Last edited by ramcjbin; 02-13-2006 at 12:09 AM.

Posted by Profuse-Will, 02-13-2006, 03:37 AM
Greetings Ramcjbin, BBB did email us yesterday night around 10-11pm PST time where we wrote the response to you. I do not know why it did not go through. As for the uptime for cheetah it hasnt been that great which is another reason which we will be getting rid of this machine with a new upgrade as promise. As for Panda it is already EOL end of life as it has caused us issue as well. All issues reported have been resolved accordingly. The spamhaus issue was out of our hand. First we do not own the IPs nor do we have allocation to this. Therefore, we were unable to resolve the issue. All admins as well as top managers were already aware of the spamhaus issue. However, if you did email them you would have already gotten a response from them saying they will not lift it. Therefore, we can only keep bothering our uplink provider with the ongoing issue. Each week the provider will let us know a resolution is coming soon. However, it does not happen. We simply pass this news to our clients. A /19 has been blacklisted meaning thousands of ips are in blacklist which are out of our hand. If it was up to us it would have been solved as all abuse have been handled appropriately. This issue by the uplink and their reluctance and ability to solve has made us change many of our plans with doing business with them as well as contiuance with business. Yes you have lost a few hundreds of dollars but it will not compare to the issues we have encountered such as the blacklist this has affected our other primary subsidary as well where we had high paying clients which were loyal to us for 3 years of business. They had no choice but to move to another provider which I understand. This situation already have lost us thousands of dollars in contracts which we had. Regardless of such issue I will not mention the bandwidth provider's name as we are already know of the situation and will be doing something about it. We dont believe in tainting one's business in form of revenge as I know they did their best. The issue has been temporary resolved but we are still evaluating our business with the bandwidth provider. As for your refund I have no authorization over this otherwise I would. You will probably have to work something out with William but given the ongoing situation client have been very rude to him so this can explain why he might be short tempered and not as giving compare to before. I guess what ever he does he gets rude comments so I suggest contacting him some other time. Possibly once things settled down and I am sure he'll work something out with you as his philsophy is he wishes to do what he can for our customers regardless if existing or past clients. Anyways I wish you the best of luck on this situation, if you want you can email me personally at john [at] if the issue carries on.

Posted by Central Dispatch, 02-13-2006, 03:42 AM
Thanks God! I was planning to move to Gazzin. Thanks for your review and all others that I have been reading in WHT. I hope they can clear up their act and start over fresh so people would respect their support team and their services as part of the community.

Posted by Profuse-Will, 02-13-2006, 03:45 AM
Hi Hostswebs, This issue shouldnt be a problem for new customers as they are placed on newer servers. Cheetah will be removed from the cluster once we decide what we will be doing in accordance with our bandwidth provider.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-13-2006, 05:32 AM
Dear clanosiris, As Gazzin did not respond for the last 2 weeks, that mail is to intimate you regarding the closure of complaint by BBBOnline as I received my mail the same time you specified. As Gazzin had their servers supplied by various service providers and some of their servers were not in black list, a temporary move of my account to new server until all becomes OK should have solved the problem. There was a solution to the problem. But Gazzin did not do that. On situations like this it is the duty of Gazzin's server admins to explore the other available possibilty and give option to customers. Following is my Ticket... Is this RUDE? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted On: 21 Jan 2006 05:21 PM Hi, I am marssoft in Cheetah. I am in Plan 2 and have paid full amount for 1 full year ( $ 9.95 x 12 = 119.40) hoping all will go fine. --------------------------------------------- Invoice : 8128 Description : Amount : 119.40 (USD) Payment Method : Visa --------------------------------------------- Due to Emails blocking my major customer has left me. Others are starting to leave. So I have no option to change the server to keep atleast remaining customers cool. So I have switched the customers to other server. I have paid upto 20-Sep-2006 Keep my payment upto next months cycle (Upto 19-Feb-2006) Kindly refund remaining 7 months payment $ 69.65 ($ 9.95 x 7) collected via your invoice no. 8128 Kindly refund as soon as possible. Thanks. Reply: Posted On: 22 Jan 2006 05:48 AM Hi, Prepayments are all non-refundable which I apologize for. Your service will be there for the remaining of the service. -William -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If William feels the above message is RUDE means, then before a customer signs-up with Gazzin, he need to teach us how polite we should be to him and after we sucessfully pass his test, he can accept our subscription.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-13-2006, 05:37 AM
Also I like to add, A good host is just not running a server with good uptime for few months. Real GOOD host is they should perform and give results when there are real problems.

Posted by Profuse-Will, 02-13-2006, 05:38 AM
Hi, I am not sure why it was denied but I will speak to him and see what I can do for you. As for the being rude or not you were quite nice, but like I explained his reasons for not to be as giving is due to the recent events leading up to it. I can already tell you he's been working about 16 hours a day just resolving issues as well as planning , speaking to the bandwidth provider so we can make our final decisions as the blacklist prices us thousands. As for the blacklist issue do you even know what a /19 is? We have over 30 machines in that facility moving all that is going to be extremely chaotic. We did what we can in the time given and have made plans to resolve such issue in the future. The BBB records were replied to appropriately. As for your last comment that is true and are working on much faster resolution but things limit us due to physical location, and access when needed. Therefore, we have been planning many new things to acquire faster access remotely. Last edited by Profuse-Will; 02-13-2006 at 05:41 AM.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-13-2006, 05:50 AM
Dear clanosiris, Thanks. I will wait to hear from you further after you speak with Gazzin.

Posted by Profuse-Will, 02-13-2006, 05:58 AM
Hi Ramcjbin, Just contact me via email if you would like to reach me further.

Posted by Energizer Bunny, 02-13-2006, 06:46 AM
Hey is this 17 months or 17 weeks review ?

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-13-2006, 06:59 AM
Mail sent.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-13-2006, 07:01 AM
17 Months. Now I am in second year cycle with Gazzin.

Posted by Shaw Networks, 02-14-2006, 07:05 PM
I thought you guys made no response at all?

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-20-2006, 09:29 AM
One week before I sent a mail to clanosiris. Still waiting for a reply.

Posted by fuse, 02-20-2006, 09:40 AM
doesn't look to good. See your not the only disappointed client;

Posted by WireNine, 02-20-2006, 01:21 PM
Lets hope they get their act together and resolve the issues for the customers. Sorry to hear about all of your troubles.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-20-2006, 01:54 PM
Thank you WN-Ali for your kind words.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-20-2006, 02:04 PM
Yaa... correct. Actually I was taking steps to move out of them silently. But they never allowed it to happen.

Posted by opaque_xisto, 02-22-2006, 05:40 AM
I am sure they will provide you a refund... William has to go through a lot of mess. They have a large network of servers and not only he has to solve billing and technical queries, all major server issues are also handled by him. Things will be fine

Posted by ldcdc, 02-22-2006, 11:12 AM
That's simply a sign of understaffing. Apparently that can only happen if they get William some help, for things are fine when they are handled properly, in timely manner. Not the first time a provider finds time to post on WHT, but fails to respond when contacted directly. A weird state of affairs.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-22-2006, 01:44 PM
Exactly said. Thanks for rejuvenating my hopes.

Posted by ramcjbin, 02-27-2006, 11:12 AM
Two weeks gone after sending mail to Gazzin representative at WHT. Not even a reply yet. Seems Gazzin representative here has reponsibility to defend Gazzin but without any authority. In our part of world we call it as a DUMMY person. Update: Still Gazzin has not refunded my advance money paid to them.

Posted by Neoboffin, 02-28-2006, 05:55 AM
Quote from Gazzin's Terms of Service He has not violated your Terms of Service, therefore he is entitled to some form of refund, right?

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