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nginx and low end VPS

Posted by et100, 10-13-2011, 09:01 AM
Hello. I have a vps with 384MB RAM assigned. Here's my question: - I'm thinking of using nginx as reversed proxy, as my server needs to be on Apache for CMS app. Is it better to install nginx on my vps, or is it better to get a second low end vps (128MB memory) and install nginx there? I'm kinda new to this. Any inputs are welcome. Thanks!

Posted by ccpgsolutions, 10-13-2011, 09:11 AM
Hi I would go for a second VPS with nginx as the reversed proxy/load balancer and have the Apache VPS running the website/cms.

Posted by dmmcintyre3, 10-13-2011, 09:25 AM
It would be easier to have both on the same VPS, so you don't have to upload images, javascripts and other static files to the nginx vps and then upload the php to the apache vps.

Posted by barbus, 10-13-2011, 10:12 AM
If it's possible to use your CMS without Apache, I believe it would be the best way.

Posted by et100, 10-13-2011, 10:15 AM
Two different answers already. Thank you all! Does one have significant advantage over the other? I'm leaning towards for a all-in-one, but if having two is way better then I might reconsider. Here are little more info if it helps: - I have about three WordPress websites. Combined daily UV is about 300~900. - One website with custom made CMS. Daily UV is about 500~1500. - Overall monthly bandwidth is about 40~60GB + backup = about 200GB. - I'm thinking of installing Virtualmin, as it'll save me some time. - I'm planning to use rsync for daily backup. - And of course, nginx. Can my 380MB-ish vps handle all of the above?

Posted by barbus, 10-13-2011, 10:18 AM
I would go with something more powerful than 384M VPS. I believe you can encounter performance issues very soon.

Posted by et100, 10-13-2011, 10:18 AM
Or maybe is it better for me to use my CMS without Apache, as barbus suggested?

Posted by et100, 10-13-2011, 10:21 AM
If I make the change from Apache to Nginx, then would it be possible to handle all of the above? And if I must, would giving up Virtualmin give me enough resources then?

Posted by eSupun, 10-13-2011, 11:37 AM
I think you can run both your sites in that 384MB VPS without any issue unless you don't use messy codings on your 'Custom CMS'. Nginx saves a lot of memory if it is configured correctly. But MySQL is the most important factor. If you can configure both correctly, there will be no issues with dealing with that traffic.

Posted by ultrabizweb, 10-14-2011, 10:41 PM
I vote for lowendbox bash install script. Works well with debain based os's, very low ram vps's. I use a custom variation of it with percona instead of mysql installed and my vps uses about 380MB but that is because of my options in my.cnf using the default LEB script you could have the VPS up and running wordpress blogs with no config very quickly with a lot less ram than 380MB. Here is the link to the script it does not use apache at all. click on the github link for the latest version copy and paste with your favorite editor make it executable and go to town. This script has saved me so much time it's not even funny. Make sure to read instructions before installing. Hope this helps.

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