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Reselling Reseller accounts

Posted by Fahad_1, 10-08-2006, 09:38 AM
It is possible to be a reseller with WHM and sell your clients account with a cPanel. But how do u become a reseller for resellers. I mean, how can I provide my clients with WHM and cPanel so that they can resell too? Fahad (

Posted by HackNo-Alex, 10-08-2006, 09:48 AM
From what I recall, I do not believe that feature is available in cPanel. Maybe it is available in Ensim, Plesk, Direct Admin, or H-Sphere

Posted by Fahad_1, 10-08-2006, 09:56 AM
so, u mean that its nt available in Linux hosting?

Posted by 2Macs Jim, 10-08-2006, 09:57 AM
I could be wrong, (and someone please correct me) but I believe if your going with CPanel you'd need to be on a dedicated server to resell. Check with a few places that offer reseller plans. I know with H-Sphere you can't. Not yet anyways, there's been a lot of discussion about it, but apparently it isn't high on PSofts list.

Posted by Brian-de-vie, 10-08-2006, 10:08 AM
Hi, from memory there is 'software' to do this from (I think) an Australian/NZ hosting/software co., but comments in wht have not been that good. I seem to recall a wht comment, 'they do not offer it with there own hosting'. Try searching wht.

Posted by CN@WH101, 10-08-2006, 10:30 AM
There are particular providers that will allow you to resell reseller accounts. There is software that can be integrated into cpanel which allows this feature. With that said, if you really want to sell reseller accounts I would reccomend spending a little extra and getting a VPS which provides you with root access.

Posted by Brian-de-vie, 10-08-2006, 10:57 AM
Hi, how strange ! the co. i was thinking of have 'just' started to advertise here at wht, so here they are: btw I notice they now do offer there product with there hosting would be nice to know if anybody has succesfuly used this.

Posted by compunet2, 10-09-2006, 05:30 AM
For cPanel, you would need a dedicated server to do this...

Posted by jowilson, 10-12-2006, 05:55 PM
I think it's available if you have a VPS account. If running Plesk control panel, you will be on top, can creat reseller accounts. see their website please.

Posted by AvailNetworks, 10-12-2006, 09:45 PM
the deasoft product will do it but why bother. Just get a VPS or a dedicated server. The hosting company does not really need resellers selling reseller accounts

Posted by ctpb, 10-12-2006, 11:17 PM
It is a feature available through Ensim on linux servers.... All you need to do is find an ensim reseller.

Posted by TheWorkGuy, 10-12-2006, 11:22 PM
Does anyone know of a reseller that allows this Reselling of Reseller accounts? (url?) TWG

Posted by RajanUrs, 10-13-2006, 02:16 AM
You can try these: [using the same Deasoft software] [Please dont take this as my recommendation. Just providing the info you requested.]

Posted by HigherProfits, 10-16-2006, 01:32 PM
A lot of companies will resell a full server to another reseller... Happens all the time. Individual accounts though? Is that what you meen? Dave

Posted by Swelly, 10-16-2006, 01:45 PM
There is a sub reseller option in cPanel on RVSkin.

Posted by, 10-16-2006, 03:51 PM
Basically to clear it all up, cpanel / whm can only be installed on linux / unix servers, as windows support is underdevelopment, as standard you cannot resell resellers unless you purchase a mod, such systems mentioned as WHMreseller, the script by deasoft, and RVSkin both allow you to do this. These scripts, if you are looking for a reseller to resell resellers, must already be installed by the host previous you joining, it cannot be done by yourself, other wise if you are looking to offer resellers to resell resellers then these scripts can only be installed on dedicated boxes or vps's. Hope that Helps

Posted by muneer, 10-16-2006, 03:57 PM
What is the point here. Buy a reseller plan and sell it. Is any thing stoppping that?

Posted by Swelly, 10-16-2006, 03:59 PM
lol. The point is a reseller can sell reseller packages, meaning that they can sell portions of their space to people who want to sell it. Confusing? I know, I am already cross-eyed.

Posted by inmean, 10-17-2006, 01:34 AM also provide the sub reseller feature

Posted by cartika-andrew, 10-17-2006, 02:11 AM
Imagine what the support chain will look like with sub-reseller accounts. Honestly, if you want to get into selling reseller hosting packages, the very least you should do is get a dedicated server. People rely on reseller packages for their source of income - and moving them is not as easy as moving a shared account - if you cannot maintain AT LEAST a dedicated server, its probably not a wise business decision to get into the market. Thankfully they havent added this yet. They were pretty close awhile ago, and it seems to have cooled off as items like exchange and load balancing became a higher priority. I cant even imagine the logistics of the support chain with sub reseller accounts - and even if this feature became readily available, I am not particular we would implement it.

Posted by inmean, 10-17-2006, 03:02 AM
Well as for me, sub reseller is a good thing to get start, maybe because of the situation of my country or culture, but i never have in mind of any company i can trust to do reselling from YET.

Posted by radsgan2000, 10-17-2006, 06:41 AM
IPanel inside your reseller admin area in a frame connected to your provider should solve the purpose. Not sure to test it. But i guess, it will cost you more for which you can go with a VPS or a Dedicated one. Will not solve the business purpose!! isn't it?

Posted by Swelly, 10-17-2006, 09:21 AM
Most certaintly would be to hectic, I agree.

Posted by bjdea1, 10-17-2006, 08:01 PM
Interesting discussion. I am the developer of WHMreseller. We are constantly looking for input from the hosting community so we can tailor our product to your needs. We can basically add any features you're looking for and/or improve it in any area you're wanting. I can see there are a number of valid concerns here, things we'd like to give solid solutions to. All I can say is try to think of WHMreseller as a VPS alternative. It basically gives a user on the server a particular amount of disk space and bandwidth. Then the user can divide up their space/bandwidth into as many WHM/cPanel accounts they want. To solve the support trail you've mentioned we could further upgrade WHMreseller to add more and more control for the Master Reseller over his/her Sub Resellers so there would be less and less need for them to seek support from the actual host. But also are you aware that only 1 level of Reselling is allowed in WHMreseller? I will show this diagramatically: HOST<------------------MASTER RESELLER<------------------SUB RESELLER<--------------CLIENT Currently thats as complicated as it could possibly get. We are considering adding a support feature in WHMreseller that would let SUB RESELLERS direclty request Support from the HOST, though their WHMreseller control panel. So that would then look like HOST<-----------------SUB RESELLER<--------------CLIENT What other concerns do people have about WHMreseller - we are very much interested in tailoring WHMreseller exactly to what Hosts are seeking. We are also considering reducing its price to give Hosts more access to it.

Posted by AvailNetworks, 10-17-2006, 08:09 PM
I don't think it is so much the product that could be faulty, it is the idea of it. A reseller reselling reseller accounts: It just further dilutes the hosting industry in my opinion. I am all for innovations in the hosting field and whatever helps it move forward but I feel that products like these are just a step backwards in terms of what really matters: CUSTOMER SERVICE It is too easy now for someone to spend $3/mo and hold peoples data, business, family photos, etc. in their hands and as soon as something more interesting comes up, bail out and leave them hanging. Worst part is that there is no law/regulation/ethics regarding this. It would be nice if the host said I am a reseller of a reseller....but good luck with that

Posted by bjdea1, 10-17-2006, 08:35 PM
Yes good point. This is definately something in the Industry thats caused us a little worry. The trend now seems to be more and more overselling. We did not intend WHMreseller to be used this way, just seems to be what many hosts are doing regardless. I will think over this some more, perhaps there is a way we can better setup WHMreseller. Our primary goal is to provide a cheaper and simpler alternative to VPS. While VPS is good its actaully very inefficient, with servers having sometimes 20 separate Operating Systems running simultaneously - now thats gotta be a waste of server resources. We are trying to make WHMreseller a solution to this by only needing the one Operating System while still giving the basic ability for users to manage both WHM and cPanel accounts. We were thinking of re-marketing WHMreseller as VPWHM - Virtual Private WHM. Theres still alot we can do with WHMreseller to try to address these concerns, the next release will be coming Last edited by bjdea1; 10-17-2006 at 08:49 PM.

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