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prowebspace hell... help with domains?

Posted by Castlehill, 10-29-2004, 05:41 PM
well im running round like a bear with sore backside right now, i have just totaly had it with PWS!!!, 35 emails to support over the last few weeks and not a reply! now im cutting my losses and getting out before my customers start feeling the pinch to... problem is these nice people at "PRO"webspace have decided to kill there site wich means i cannot log in to change my nameserver over meaning if i cancel the account im going to have customers screaming down the phone.... is there any way i can release my domain names from PWS??? or am i stuck untill i get a reply from them?? tnx for any advice.. regards Rick

Posted by UH-Matt, 10-29-2004, 05:44 PM
Are the names registered in your name? (check the whois).

Posted by Castlehill, 10-29-2004, 06:05 PM
most of them yes but a few are in customers names

Posted by IHSL, 10-29-2004, 06:10 PM
They seem to be a domain reseller of It may be worth contacting and asking if there's something they can do. Simon

Posted by Castlehill, 10-29-2004, 06:18 PM
tnx simon i check that out

Posted by UnifiedNet, 10-29-2004, 07:49 PM
Castlehill, Lesson learned? Its always a very bad idea to have your host register your domains. But I am sure it won't be the first time that has had issues with them! Let us know how it turns out!

Posted by Castlehill, 10-30-2004, 01:49 PM
well just to upate you guys... so far not good.. i have contacted who have not replyed so no luck there, prowebspace are still giving me the cold sholder and my domains are still in accessable UnifiedNet yes lesson learned m8 lol this wont happen again i can assure you of that, although not all hosts are as bad as this i wouldnt trust it anymore thats for sure.... im in the middle of contacting 2 hosts im intrested in to see if thay can help me in this matter in anyway but sitting there looking at ya mail box it seems to take forever lol and i have 2 websites to get up by friday so loads of work to do but i just carnt get my head into it ... aahhh well plod on i supose,

Posted by UnifiedNet, 10-30-2004, 03:24 PM
Keep us up to date! Address: Total Registrations Bridge Buildings Ladybridge Road Cheadle Hulme Cheshire SK8 5LL ENGLAND Fax: +44(0)870 443 9521

Posted by Mluscombe, 10-24-2005, 10:36 AM
I have the same problems, they have no login now for their domain control panel. Also they deemed it upon themselves to keep a log of my visa card numbers and contimue to try and bill me after I cancelled my reseller account with them, I know this to be a fact as Abbey my bank and Worldpay both confirmed that they were accessing my account directly with my visas card numbers. Apparently they log this when you purchase domain names with them, so be careful, I have cancelled that card as they made me go overdrawn and each month, no twice a month they still try and draw funds off of that card. now my problem is, how do I move my domain names into a decent domain name provider cpanel. HELP I honestly wish I never cam across them, and they are also trying to start another company under a different badge. How can we stop a company (cough, bunch of clowns) like this from continuing, they are giving other reseller/domain name providers a bad name. is it ICANN who are in control these days? Hope any one can help regards Martyn

Posted by myusername, 09-01-2006, 11:54 AM
I would not say that is exactly true. there are plenty of hosts that are not scammers. Its all about reading the fine print, or simply just asking: Whose name is the domain registered in, yours or mine. We have a customer in the same boat looking for answers. I went to and their contact form produces a 404 error. That's not good...

Posted by Lewcy, 10-20-2006, 10:13 AM
UPDATE ON DOMAINS REGISTERED THROUGH PWS If anyone outhere still has domains registered by prowebspace originally through their 'register domains' link on their website which takes you to a domains1 dot prowebspace dot com to register here is what to do. They resell domains for planet domain and planet domain are aware of the problems with pws. All you need to do is goto planetdomain dot com and open a support ticket. Tell them you are currently with prowebspace and that they no longer exist and you wish to transfer your login to planet domain. They will get back to you asking for you username and password. I gave them my username and a few characters from my password (didnt want to give them all of it over the email) The next thing is they got back to me and have transfered my entire account to plant domain, no domain renewals, no charges, nothing. Any future renewals the money now goes into planet domains pocket and not prowebspaces. And you know you will be able to administer your domains at a reliable source. Planet domain are a big australian company, backed/part of primus telecom so shouldnt let you down like pws! I have done this within the past week so i know it works. Hope this helps others.

Posted by PremiumHost, 10-20-2006, 11:29 AM
Customers would not have any problems with an ethical host.

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