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[wanted] what do you want in a reseller package?

Posted by utropicmedia-karl, 10-20-2006, 09:26 AM
How about specs(disk space and bandwidth)? What kind of resources do you you want and what do you think is a fair price for those specs? I figured getting some opinions from the community would be good before we published our packages. Thanks!

Posted by Brian-de-vie, 10-20-2006, 09:37 AM
Hi Depends if your going to allow 'overselling' or not. prices could be something like $20, $35, $60, for various plans. Personaly I do not like $19.99, $34.99, $59.99 Good Luck

Posted by utropicmedia-karl, 10-20-2006, 09:43 AM
what is your definition of 'overselling' ? One of the ones I just came across was "allowing the reseller to have as many accounts as they want for their allocated resources." That is something I would be kosher with and how we operate now: you pay for the resources you use, how you divide them up is up to you. Last edited by utropicmedia-karl; 10-20-2006 at 09:56 AM.

Posted by ldcdc, 10-20-2006, 11:28 AM
Overselling enabled would mean you'd be measuring the data transfer and space used by the reseller based on actual usage, as opposed to based on the allocations they've made for their customers. This post explains these terms quite well IMO:

Posted by utropicmedia-karl, 10-20-2006, 11:42 AM
That's a great post, but overselling seems to have a negitive connotation. This is how we currently do things: We allocate a factor x amount of disk space and bandwidth per server We allocate a factor y amount of disk space and bandwidth per account We sell that server until x == y The model we are looking at is adding in a factor z that would represent the number of reseller accounts on that server. Each reseller would be able to put as many domains on their account as they wanted, limited by only the disk and BW.(CPU usage is monitored for blatant pimping of resources - we would have a dialog with the reseller about the situation before taking action.)

Posted by utropicmedia-karl, 10-20-2006, 12:56 PM
How important is it for the reseller to be able to off-load their client's support requests to the main host? Or should the reseller be expected to provide end-user support?

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