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Good quality reseller accounts

Posted by phonic2k, 08-08-2007, 07:43 AM
hi, I've been searching on the forums for some time now, and tested different companies, but have not found any that are of a quality I can trust with customers. I'm looking for a good unbranded reseller account with cpanel in the UK(first choice) or US that don't dump customers on a overloaded VPS. As for pricing, quality comes first for me. Thanks for any help you can give.

Posted by EIHost, 08-08-2007, 07:55 AM
I dont have much experience with resellers, but you can try with I was with them for three month and i dont have any problem. They are in the US.

Posted by EfreeZe, 08-08-2007, 08:06 AM
For reseller accounts, I would highly recommend CartikaHosting. They don't use CPanel, instead they use HSphere, but that IMO is much superior and is quite easy to use once you get used to it. I don't know what platform you're looking for or which scripting/programming language, but there you can put accounts on any platform you like.

Posted by Vinayak_Sharma, 08-08-2007, 08:15 AM
For some one in UK is the answer.

Posted by iHubNet, 08-08-2007, 08:31 AM
First, if you are looking for good quality reseller account, do not choose any overselling providers. Second, "good unbranded reseller account", you need to check if they provide custom name server with dedicated IPs. Hopefully that helped you. Thanks

Posted by Jedito, 08-08-2007, 08:48 AM
how much space and bandwidth do you need?

Posted by TonyB, 08-08-2007, 09:06 AM
For pricing what sort of ceiling do you actually have? Because there are some very expensive hosts out there so actually setting a price range for the space and bandwidth you require would be helpful for people making suggestions.

Posted by ldcdc, 08-08-2007, 09:23 AM
As far as I've noticed, reliable reseller hosting packages tend to start at ~$20. Of course, not if they come with 50Gb space and 500Gb of data transfer. Now, just because your needs are very small, it doesn't mean that a reseller account can cost $3. There's overhead to account for as well. Overselling enabled/disabled can influence pricing as well, and must be taken into account when judging the sustainability of the pricing. Look for a company that has been in business for years with an overall good reputation, and thus has passed a test of time. Too often companies were started, offered low pricing, enjoyed popularity around here for a few good months, then, once the resellers started to add more and more to the servers, overload became the norm.

Posted by phonic2k, 08-08-2007, 12:13 PM
I would say 5-10 at the moment, but 20gb give more room for growth. as for traffic, it's low at the moment and 10gb would be fine. so as most plans come with 50-100gb, that's not a problem. it's the quality of service.

Posted by phonic2k, 08-08-2007, 12:32 PM
I've been with some expensive hosts, and found the same level of quality as some low priced hosts that are just starting out. I've been looking at as they have an offer at $16.97 for 12gb space and 125gb traffic. are they good? also are they any good? I sent them 2 e-mails one to sales and the other to support with no reply and the msn support is never online, and the server status( shows the server load in the red. It’s getting very depressing, and starting to think it may be best to rent a server and do the job myself.

Posted by Nnyan, 08-08-2007, 07:05 PM
jaguarpc does have a good rep here as do many other providers. Do some searches on the forums and you'll find them.

Posted by nax9, 08-08-2007, 11:08 PM
You've answered the question perfectly. Most hosts have a clear (and easy) upgrade path. Start off with 5GB and a decent budget, and move your way up as you get more income from your clients. Your upstream provider and yourself will be better off for it.

Posted by bfarrell, 08-09-2007, 02:21 AM
If you search the forums, you will find InnoHosting has a good reputation. I have been with them a while and the relationship has been very satisfactory.

Posted by phonic2k, 08-09-2007, 09:20 AM
Thanks, I've also read that resellerzoom is good too. I will have a look and give them a try. Thank you for all your replies!

Posted by jerett, 08-09-2007, 09:45 AM
Good luck with your choice. If you go with RZ - please avoid their budget plan and go with one of their advance or premium plans. If you any more questions - WHT is the place to come. Welcome!

Posted by phonic2k, 08-09-2007, 10:10 AM
oh... I just ordered a budget plan just to test them out first, and then upgrade if the service is good. What's the difference? I tested someone’s site first that's on a budget reseller, and loads fast, but we will see....

Posted by jerett, 08-09-2007, 10:13 AM
Their budget server for the most part are overloaded and not as great on performance levels. They even will tell you not to go with their budget plans if you are opting to start a hosting venture. Plus, you don't get live support - only ticket support which is a big must. And ticket support is a bit slower on responses for budget plan as well.

Posted by phonic2k, 08-09-2007, 10:25 AM
When they get round to setting up the account, I will upgrade to the Advanced Reseller or Failover Reseller. I assume correct that I can upgrade? btw, I signed up last night(UK time) and not setup yet.

Posted by infito, 08-09-2007, 04:24 PM
Earlier I was looking at UK based VPS and reseller hosting plans. I am living in an asian country and was looking for a good reseller who is well known for their service and support. I tried to sort the UK based reliable resellers. I was considering Resellerzoom but after extensively navigating through webhostingtalk, found Have come across many positive reviews about them. They appear to be expensive but their website also mentions, they offer 2 dedicated to their resellers and ensure guaranteed private labelled reseller hosting. I tried their live chat and they offer instant activation. Has anyone got good experience with them? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Posted by ldcdc, 08-09-2007, 08:16 PM As far as I recall the server specification for each service type was different, and the cheaper the package the more accounts were placed per server. This may have change in time though. In the end it's all fair enough, you get what you pay for.

Posted by phonic2k, 08-09-2007, 08:49 PM
Thanks for that! I've gone for the UK Advanced reseller. I will see how things go. Seems a good offer with lots of extras like end user support, but I would need to test it myself first at different times in the night Also like the idea of anything been 100% unbranded. other resellers I've tested only offer nameserver under your domain, but the server uses the hosts domain name. looks bad when a customer gets a returned mail from anyway...they give 30days money back without question, so I can't go too wrong with that(I hope)!

Posted by jerett, 08-09-2007, 09:50 PM
Sounds like the provider you were with earlier didn't have some entries setup properly because that shouldn't happen.

Posted by phonic2k, 08-11-2007, 05:49 PM
as a little update or review on resellerzoom: I started with the budget package and my site would not load 100%, it just hangs waiting for graphics to load. upgraded to the UK advanced reseller located in Blue Square London. OH my... it was even slower than the US server, download speed of 150-200KB/s. I clicked on live support(only for advanced customers) and was told to open a ticket, so I tried, but the ticketing system was down giving error 406! They have a closed forum that's only for active will know why if you just looked at the 100's of topics called "All my sites are offline." " customers not getting email",it goes on and on and on.... also, support takes 5-12hours for a reply when the ticketing system is working. if you want to keep your customers, keep away! so, any other recommendations?

Posted by rnavarro, 08-11-2007, 06:31 PM
Hello, I'm in the process of evaluating both innohosting and webkore right now......and thus far i must say that i like webkore a little better.....while innohosting has more features, support is slow....5 hours or so.....even though they say 15-30 minutes. Webkore has a few less features, but so far the support has been top notch.....i'm still on the fence about which provider to go with but so far webkore is looking better just because of decent support....

Posted by kjawaid, 08-11-2007, 06:48 PM
you should look into in they are UK based .. and if you are going with RZ then i will recommend only failover plans ..

Posted by rnavarro, 08-11-2007, 06:49 PM
Another small tidbit i forgot to add within the edit period.....the hosts i'm looking at have to provide end user support......i'm not sure if that's one of your qualifications aswell

Posted by kjawaid, 08-11-2007, 06:59 PM
RZ provides enduser ticket support on failover plans only

Posted by rnavarro, 08-11-2007, 07:00 PM
Indeed, I am aware of this However, I have not tried reseller zoom because they don't provide WHMCS, it's an additional fee....i'm trying hosts that do offer WHMCS for free with their plans first

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