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Posted by oludallas, 11-18-2007, 02:36 AM
I am looking into buying a reseller acct. Any advice on Hostgator or Hostnine?

Posted by 040Hosting, 11-18-2007, 07:18 AM
Hello oludallas, Take a look at the reviews of both companies which you can find here at WHT, they will tell you how they are doing. Good luck with your choice.

Posted by domaincart, 11-18-2007, 07:50 AM
If try search from when you can find the reviews that made about them.

Posted by ZackT, 11-18-2007, 02:34 PM
I'd personally recommend HostGator, they have extremely fast support.

Posted by qwan, 11-18-2007, 05:42 PM
I would not recommend hostgator. I came here to find out if hostgator is being fair. I have a resellers account and i cannot install a free test SSL certificate on any of my domains. To install a cert I have to pay Hostgator 10$(15$ for enabling it without www) So if you are with Hostgator and want to test a SSL certificate before you buy it then please be ready to shell out 10$ for every certificate you want to install and then 10$ for the actual certificate you decide to buy. When I contacted support they "recomended" that I dont test any SSL certificate and that I rather install a working one. As far as I remember I had generated a CSR and installed a free certificate earlier on previous hosts. And I remember seeing an SSL manager in my cpanel. But now Hostgators seems to have removed it. This is not the only reason. I am facing many minor problems which i dont bother reporting as there is nothing the support can do about it. Hostgator server seems to be resetting the connection or something. Because I personally experienced that download large files above 200mb on a 512 k connection has never completed till today. The download manager gives the message "connection reset by server". A client of mine who accesses his site from a different geographical location and on a different ISP complains the same while uploading huge files via FTP. He says that the server seems to be resetting the connections. As he has literally sat up and watched large files being uploaded and he says it is not a problem with his internet connection. I faced the same problem just a few days just cannot keep a large file to download and go to sleep in the morning you will find that the connection has been reset. Mind you I am using a Download manager and if it is a connection problem on my side I have set my Download manager to retry it for 999times. But my download manager(and all regular one I assumed) does not resume a download when the connection is "reset on the server". I never bothered telling support because I knew I would be just tiring my self. And what do you I do to "prove" it to them that I have a problem. Send video or screen captures of me donwload a file. The only reason i am still with Hostgator is that I dont have the time to move to a new server. But now after this SSL issue I am going to get moving. If you search this forum you will find a thread in which I had a problem earlier. It was a bug in the billing system and some support executive "assuring" me that my payment had passed. Inspite of that I opened atleast 3 tickets requesting them to confirm my payment. They suspended my account. After my account was suspended I was rudely snubbed by the support executive. But on connection again i got a nice executive(You can get his name in the my thread) who had the sense to make out from the support tickets that I was not a defaulter and got by account running in 20 minutes. It is these executives that have given Hostgator support a good name. But only got save you if you get a bad one. I am moving but i suggest you do search and find all the threads on host gator. best of luck

Posted by JohnJ, 11-18-2007, 05:50 PM
I have seen a lot of bad reviews about HostNine and have had horrible experience with them in the past. I would recommend HostGator.

Posted by PremiumHost, 11-18-2007, 09:20 PM
Do you have Install/Manage SSL features available in WHM? With that option you can install the certificate by yourself (your site must be on a dedicated ip)

Posted by HostingDeals, 11-18-2007, 10:20 PM
There were some issues with HostNine at the California location or a while. I haven't checked into it recently. All I know if the ability to put 50 domains on different servers with different IPs is a good deal for me. I really like the ability to spread my domains across multiple servers across the country (world if you want). I wish cPanel would offer this ability in future releases. Just adding my 2 pennies.

Posted by qwan, 11-18-2007, 11:39 PM
Hey I just checked out hostnine and feature wise it has so much more to offer. Ofcourse it may seem costlier than hostgator. I have been with hostgator and few months back they were offering 12gb for 24.95 and i feel that they are just overselling now. So i would compare the midlevel plan to the aluminium(the one i have) as an option when I want to switch. The space doesnt concern me. I am glad I read this thread hostnine seems like a good host. I am going to do some research on it. Please let me know your choice too in this thread. Off had I feel that hostnine has 4 dedicated Ip in the midlevel plan which is great and 1$ for extra ips Hostgator has none and they charge 2$ for extra Ips. I am hoping the billing software is already preinstalled in Hostnine. that would be really cool. In HG i really never got around to installing WHMautopilot. I really like the DNS clustering feature in Hostnine. SSl certs are cheaper in HG it is 75$. I dont see rubyonrails in Hostnine. So you better check that if you are planning to use it. Hostgator offers it though. apart from that everything else seems to be at par. hostgator seems to have a longer list but the extra ones are just nothing but what you get in the standard fantastico. Oh and I see daily backup in hostnine. Just based on features if you compare the two. You can see that Hostnine does not offer more than 25GB and the starting package of hostgator is 24GB. So hostgator seems to be the winner on space...BUT........ If you needed 12 Ip and 25GB(or 24) of space. In hostgator you will have to pay 24.95+24(2$per Ip)=48.95$. Stil beats hostnine by 1$ but you get a free domain. So i think hostnine is a winner if you really dont need more than 25gb of space and you are actually planning to use it up for 12 or more sites with dedicated Ips. They have some pretty cool feature that HG does not offer.(remember hostnine has not mentioned anything about RoR).

Posted by Crucialp, 11-18-2007, 11:42 PM
Check the reviews around WHT. Everyone is going to have a different experience so firstly look at both products and decide which suites your needs/requirements the best.

Posted by DomainInvestor, 11-19-2007, 06:15 AM
I made the mistake of switching from Hostgator to Hostnine a few months ago. I had a problem with Hostgator resolving what now seems like a minor issue with their automatic billing after they made the switch to Modern Bill. Hostnine had nice advertisements and appeared to be an excellent value with nearly everything I had at Hostgator. I signed up and moved my accounts. It didn't take long to discover the advertisements were more hype than reality. On more than one occasion online and telephone support was not available. I even got a message once when using online support that they were too busy and to leave a message which I did. I never heard back from them. On two occasions I remained on hold during a trans Pacific phone call waiting for tech support for about 30 minutes. I know it was about 30 minutes because I watched the clock. I finally hung up when it became obvious no one would answer. So much for 24/7 support in under 1 minute. On more than one occasion I discovered no Fantastico on their at least two of their servers. When I sent a support ticket it was always sent to "Level 2" where it promptly disappeared into a black hole never to be seen again. I resolved the problem myself by moving my accounts to a different server in a different location when it became obvious they weren't going to fix the problem. Then I discovered their techs never set up Gettext support when they did their PHP builds. I have websites in multiple languages and needed the Gettext support so my sites would display properly. Again I sent a ticket and again it disappeared into the black hole of level 2. I ended up moving back to Hostgator where I get prompt, competent tech support as I always had. Don't believe everything you read in a company's advertisement. Check the boards here before you commit.

Posted by hosteur, 11-19-2007, 08:05 AM
It's a pain to read your post, do no write in a block!.. I'm sick...

Posted by Sunny1988, 11-20-2007, 04:03 PM
I signed up for a reseller plan about two months ago with Host Gator and so far everything has been good. I didn't experience any downtime and support has been good so far.

Posted by ldcdc, 11-20-2007, 04:17 PM
Please share a domain that you've been hosting with them. You can just send it to the moderating team if you don't want to make it public:

Posted by mtgm, 11-20-2007, 08:40 PM
I also recommend Host Gator because I use them, and they've been great so far. HostNine seems like a reputable company too, but I don't have experience with them.

Posted by cycomhk, 11-22-2007, 12:22 PM
We have a pretty interesting experience with both actually. We started with Hostgator, but two days after the account was activated, we received an email from them informing that reseller accounts were not autorized for "clients in your location" (we are based in China). We have asked for a refund and received it. After Hostgator refused our business we continue looking for another reseller provider and ended up with Hostnine. The experience has been wonderful so far especially the option to host sites in Singapore, which is close geographically of our main market (China).

Posted by BrentOfHG, 11-22-2007, 02:11 PM
Hello, Do you have a ticket number I can see on that? We allow hosts from china we just require they wire or western union their first payment. We use to just require a copy of credit card and ID, but china is so good at photo shopping we can't use any type of id or phone verification. Over 90% of the Chinese verified signup we had ended up being chargebacks or some type of fraud. It's really sad, but we were really left with no choice.

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 11-22-2007, 05:16 PM
I would have to plump for hostgator too. I've read more good about them on here for instance. owm

Posted by HostingDeals, 11-24-2007, 05:25 AM
Just a followup, I had to migrate one of my accounts to a new server on HostNine because the server I was on was loading my site so poorly, it was either move ir or close my account. I'm giving HostNine a couple more months to prove they ae worth keeping at this point. Very frustrating seeing 96% uptime. I would post my site where I am reporting on this but I don't want an infraction.

Posted by ldcdc, 11-24-2007, 08:44 AM
Over what period of time was this?

Posted by inpursuit25, 02-05-2008, 12:34 AM
Avoid Hostnine... check this forum its LITTERED with complaints and look and you will see that most say the same thing 1. Downtime 2. Rude staff 3. ignored emails 4. Phone support rarely answered 5. Censorship 6. Lies by staff 7. Fraudulent activities 8. Not paying affiliates the list goes on and on....

Posted by Cisco, 02-05-2008, 03:55 AM
As a current HostNine customer, I don't recommend them. If they clean up their act, they may be a good service to look into in a few months.

Posted by masm50, 02-05-2008, 02:29 PM
I've been with HostNine for about 9 months now, and am actually quite pleased with their service over the last 3 or 4 months. There were some major issues a few months ago, which were well reported on here with downtime coming form the implementation of their new Reseller Central. However, those problems seemed to ease around November, and since then I've been very happy. Having my various sites on different servers around the world is a great feature (I have some UK and some US focused sites), and I have found support to be very helpful at all times as well as polite which seems at odds to some recent posts here. Chat support is useful for little issues or questions, but my support tickets have always been answered within 24 hours (mostly a lot less, but a few have taken a little while). I would also say that support times have improved a lot since the problems have died down in the last 3 or 4 months - they obviously are a little less busy - so more time per customer The only annoyance for me at the moment is the way you have to reapply for ssh access each time you want to use it if you are on a dynamic IP internet service (like most people on adsl) as they ok it per user IP. I don't use ssh that much though so it isn;t a major problem for me. I have found RC (ResellerCentral) to be very easy to use with everything well laid out and easy to find. It does everything I need it to. However, although I have a reseller account there I don't sell web hosting - just have numerous sites that I run or manage - so I don't need CPanel branding - but that could be annoying if I did as that currently isn't available in RC. I haven't used HostGator though so can't comment about their services.

Posted by HostingTech, 02-05-2008, 06:55 PM
i've been with Hostgator 16 monthes ago .. and everything was okay .. no downtimes .. fast support (live and telephone support) . also supports by email was fast .. i think Hostgator would be good .. but still u have ur choice ..

Posted by Shaw Networks, 02-05-2008, 11:20 PM
Has it been 16 months since you were hosted by HostGator or were you hosted by HostGator for 16 months?

Posted by ldcdc, 02-06-2008, 01:22 AM
The site in his signature is still hosted by Hostgator. Easy to check.

Posted by Sohan, 02-12-2008, 08:34 PM
My shared hosting experience is pretty good for Hostnine. costs are great, and serers aren't packed stupidly over like hostgator. The location of the services is great too! Support staff are handy from time to time

Posted by ldcdc, 02-13-2008, 01:00 AM
You've had a bad experience with Hostgator? What was the server load? Did you report it to them and they did nothing about it?

Posted by Sohan, 02-13-2008, 05:55 AM
Site was slow, I reported it but the site hosted their wasn't anyhting important so I left it be. No downtime however. I've just had a VERY bad experience with Host Nine Reseller central however.

Posted by willow1872, 02-13-2008, 06:40 PM
Avoid Hostnine like the plague! Read my thread about them: Ive been using HostGator for just over a year now and have been really please overall with them. Their support needs work though as support staff tend to not actually read your ticket properly and give out scripted responses or say something that has nothing to do with your problem. Ive experienced only 7 minutes downtime since ive been with them which i think is amazing. Sadly im looking for a new host now because they are upgrading all their servers to use PHP 5 and MySQL 5. I was told by Scott on the telephone today that i can opt out and continue to use MySQL 4 but i was then told by Brent that it isnt true and i have no choice over MySQL. The problem for me is that my customers use CubeCart which does not play well with MySQL 5 so ive got to move again. Very dissapointed with that but if you can live with their support issues then i would recommend them hands down

Posted by chrisebewdley, 02-14-2008, 10:55 AM
I am currently a reseller of HostGator. There support is fast and reliable. The reasons for why I went with HostGator are: - Free WHMCS or WHM Auto Pilot licence with my package, I went for WHMCS - Fast support 24/7 - Live support available majority of the day All round HostGator have the qualities I look for in a Host Company!

Posted by savo, 03-07-2008, 07:50 AM
Would you know why this is? I mean why is China on the blacklist and are other locations as well? My service and 80% of my clients are from Macedonia FYR I am also looking for a extra reseller account with Hostgator but if they have that kind of a policy I have a daubt.

Posted by Reseller32, 03-13-2008, 10:32 AM
they are both good, but I have good reasons to believe hostgator is more reliable. see HostGator is on their honest host list.

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