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HiyaCorp / Ambient Solutions Disappearing?

Posted by geekie246, 03-05-2008, 06:41 PM
It appears as if this company has stopped responding to support tickets and have server issues that are not being resolved. I have a few domains left on an old reseller account with them, nothing major, but the sites have been down now for over a week. This after being down for almost 3 1/2 weeks when the server became infected with a trojan. Open support tickets are not being answered, Fred & Kash have not responded to mails directly, no one answers the phones.

Posted by XeHSean, 03-05-2008, 07:08 PM
It sounds like its about time for you to find a new web host

Posted by AmyWilliams, 03-05-2008, 10:54 PM
Yikes. I used to use HiyaCorp to host a client. They were great back then. Surprising to see this happen

Posted by geekie246, 03-05-2008, 11:35 PM
Their online support is saying "We are working on the issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will have it resolved ASAP" These are not critical domains or client domains. Just a few things I had parked there for testing. There are some development work that I want to get at, but no one is even replying to any tickets. Fred & Kash have gone MIA!!!!!

Posted by ldcdc, 03-06-2008, 12:03 AM
Based on this posts here, Fred seemed pretty confident after that last downtime that things would improve. Too bad to see it not happening. With no responses from them, staying away seems like the right thing to do, at least at this time. Thank you for sharing your experience, and let's hope for the best.

Posted by geekie246, 03-06-2008, 03:38 PM
domains are now at least resolving to a server. no data recovered yet. still no response from Fred or Kash. Support is still giving the standard "we are sympathetic to your concerns. we are working to resolve your issues in a timely manner" what's alarming is that the people in charge of this company DO NOT seem to care about the impression that this is leaving. They have left many customers I would imagine in the same situation. For me it isn't critical, for others, I would imagine it's costing them big time.

Posted by geekie246, 03-06-2008, 10:17 PM
data restored, but CPANEL is broken on the domains that they restored. it's been like pulling teeth to get support to answer questions. still no reply from either Fred or Kash, support still giving "we're sorry for the inconvinience, we will resolve this ASAP, and direct your requests to our admins" LOL Can you sing "I need a new host"? LOL

Posted by ldcdc, 03-06-2008, 11:29 PM
Slow as it may be, at least things are going in the right direction. It's better than some scenarios we've seen unfolding with other providers. Given the amount of downtime you've encountered, I don't think anyone can really counter your decision.

Posted by geekie246, 03-07-2008, 08:20 AM
Just an update, domains have been restored, data has been restored. Still no contact from Fred or Kash as to what happened. Backups are in progress for the sites ... although my old backups that I have from 8 weeks ago are probably still current as the sites have been down twice now for an extended period of time. It's a shame actually, HiyaCorp used to be fairly reliable, not perfect, but you could depend on Fred to get back to you. Since the transition to AmbientSolutions, not so good.

Posted by jm2000, 03-10-2008, 06:05 PM
Have you emailed them? I know Fred and Kash have been really busy at the moment but I was fortunate to be able to get hold of them..maybe this was a freak senario..also look at the news post: Hope that helps! I have a dedicated server and have had no issues with them so far!

Posted by FredTT, 03-12-2008, 06:41 PM
Just chiming in real quick. I just saw this thread but unfortunately I'm running out the door to a meeting. I'm really sorry about everything your going through and I'll look into it after my meeting.

Posted by geekie246, 03-14-2008, 12:45 AM
Yes, I had emailed both Kash & Fred, nothing from either. I emailed support and got "We will get it back online ASAP!" This is the second extended period of downtime on the same server. The explanation of the problem always seems to be centred around a hard drive being moved, corrupt, NOC problem, NEVER HiyaCorp's problems. 3+ weeks when a server was compromised to get an acknowledgement that it was compromised ... followed by about 2 weeks of downtime because of something wrong at the NOC .. followed by all this downtime. If Kash & Fred are that busy, time to hire new staff.

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