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Security recommendations and advice

Posted by unknowtyper, 01-25-2014, 07:02 AM
Hi guys, I have purchased a small VPS to learn security techniques as it is a area i am interested in iv been researching a fair bit into this i have put bellow what i have done so far and also listed what im thinking of doing also if i have missed anything out and suggestions or recommendations would be most kind OS: Ubuntu 12.10 - 64 bit What i have done so far in order 1. run update 2. Install nano 3. install chkrootkit 4. install rkhunter 5. install fail2ban 6. install denyhosts 7. install ClamAV What im thinking of doing 1.install Tripwire 2.install Linux Malware Detect 3.install CSF Firewall 4.install Brut Force Detection I have not disabled root as of yet im looking for a clear tutorial on how to do this this would be added into my list of steps to take I look forward to your reply's Thank you in advance

Posted by rogriverac, 01-25-2014, 09:58 PM
You could also consider: -Filtering access to SSH, FTP and other services with TCP Wrappers. A tutorial about it here . -Set iptables/firewall default chains policies to drop and only allow those needed. -Use iptables with -m limit --limit to help mitigate "SOME" DoS attacks. -Change your services/applications default ports. -Disable ICMP if not needed, or filter replies to particular IPs. -Create your own admin username. -Disable root user access -And many more ...

Posted by simon_enzu, 01-26-2014, 04:09 PM
This looks good. Along with this , I would recommend you to install LSM (Linux Socket Monitor) SIM (System Integrity Monitor)

Posted by remote-admin-serv, 01-27-2014, 06:36 AM
You can install many software, but when you make security or protection stuff - need first put simple question - why and what need protect ? Than answer is how configure tons of software.

Posted by unknowtyper, 01-27-2014, 10:36 AM
Thank you very much for your reply i understand what you mean but at this stage i am only learning the basics of how to install, update, remove, optimize and make basic configurations ect the VPS i am using is not a production VPS and is not running any websites I do have a end goal that i am hoping to start in the next 6 to 12 months which is related to hosting but not hosting at the same time which i plan to use what i learn now when it comes to setting up my server(s) of the course then the security measures used will be tailored for what the server is being used for .

Posted by zacharooni, 01-27-2014, 10:45 AM
If you're using a Debian-based OS such as Ubuntu, I would highly recommend portsentry. While it's not a firewall in and of itself, it does help greatly with detecting most of the riff-raff, and automatically blocking it, you can even configure it to use CSF to block offending IPs. Depending on which virtualization technique your host is using, you might not be able to compile your own kernel, but you can certainly setup a stateful iptables firewall such as CSF (it will need to be installed manually for Ubuntu, however), and as @rogriverac mentioned, setup sudo users and run visudo, disable remote root logins, change your SSH port, and filter access to that port by IP, etc.

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