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slow to load wordpress sites

Posted by ttgt, 01-20-2014, 11:56 AM
Hi, my server use cloudlinux/cpanel with suphp, i feel that it is very slow the load the wordpress for the first time, for next pages,the speed are be better lot. but i check my server load is fine,around 1. is it possible i lose some tune setting for my server ? thanx

Posted by LankapartnerHost, 01-20-2014, 11:57 AM
Is it have apache , nginx or litespeed ?

Posted by GFrost, 01-20-2014, 12:00 PM
If you have lost some tuning, check this out. It may help you.

Posted by khanbaba, 01-20-2014, 12:53 PM
well try changing suphp to fcgi and use some cache plugin. Once changed to fcgi I will recommend to APC for object caching. It will improve site speed and the above mentioned tips are the most prevailing in connection with WordPress sites.

Posted by ttgt, 01-20-2014, 08:22 PM
it is apache,i ever use nginxcp,but it seems it has bugs and make sites can not work well,and i removed it.

Posted by khanbaba, 01-20-2014, 11:28 PM
nginxcp works great you should give it a try, I am using it from some times, in-case you have issues with it report them on their forum.

Posted by ttgt, 01-20-2014, 11:34 PM
because i get sites down when user add addon domain ..or... and it make alot users unhappy.

Posted by supportbureau, 01-23-2014, 02:55 AM
Are you experiencing the same issue with other domains in the server? First you have to confirm whether it is a server wide issue or not.

Posted by ServerWholesale, 01-23-2014, 12:03 PM
Maybe you have a needy plug-in or template that needs a strong object cache: Have someone that knows his way around a server run this: Find the database name and table prefix from wp-config.php define('DB_NAME', '[databasename]'); $table_prefix = '[tableprefix]'; select count(*) FROM [databasename].`[tableprefix]options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '_transient_%'; Disclaimer: Don`t run if you don't know exactly what it means, run it at your own risk (Even tho is just a select clause)

Posted by Hosting4Real, 01-23-2014, 02:07 PM
Because there is a bug in the software, I've fixed it, including 10-15 other bugs. But since they don't store code on github, and they want everything by email, then they won't really get the changes all the time

Posted by simon_enzu, 01-23-2014, 05:31 PM
If you have lot of static pages, I would recomment to install cpnginx which would act as a reverse proxy with apache and would surely improve the performance. Some other suggestiosn are to enable mod_fcgi along with worker which would be better for your server performance.

Posted by CircuitoX, 01-23-2014, 11:05 PM
Hi ttgt. check out this topic.

Posted by Scott.Mc, 01-23-2014, 11:17 PM
Try creating a simple PHP test file so you can determine the speed of it which will allow you to identify if the issue is with the stack or if it's with wordpress itself. Make use of a good caching plugin like w3-total-cache or wordpress varnish. Also disable heavy plugins like related posts.

Posted by ttgt, 01-23-2014, 11:55 PM
about the cache feature,will it cache on ram,correct ? does it mean i need to set bigger ram at cloudlinux for each account ? thanx

Posted by Scott.Mc, 01-24-2014, 12:19 AM
You can have elements cached in ram if you utilize the services for it (such as memcached) however full page caching is done via flat files and uses htaccess to redirect to them.

Posted by ddrhost, 01-27-2014, 12:32 PM
Try disabling the WP CRON some websites and see if performance improves.

Posted by NoSupportLinuxHostin, 01-27-2014, 02:45 PM
One of the things that can really slow down a WordPress site is a wp-login.php brute force login attack. Look through your raw log and see if there are lots of hits to wp-login.php. If there are, you should install Better WP Security. That plugin will use the .htaccess file to set up IP blocking for IP addresses that attempt brute force login attacks.

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