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Unlimited disk space and bandwidth

Posted by sdxgroup, 06-03-2010, 09:09 AM
Just wondering how many people on here employ this method of offering unlimited disk space and bandwidth? If you do, how is it working for you? I'm thinking of going that route because I can't imagine competing with hosts that offer unlimited everything. Also is there any disadvantages to going this route? Or does anyone have any tips for someone going this route? Thanks

Posted by IceBlueHost, 06-03-2010, 09:39 AM
Well, if I were you then I would NOT go that route. As has been said so often, hosts who offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth are generally overselling their servers in a big way, and in the end it's the clients who suffer the most. As always, there are exceptions, but generally speaking offering unlimited does very little to guarantee you good hosting, and it's best to stay away from it. Even more so if you are not a big and established host who can afford to do things like that.

Posted by sdxgroup, 06-03-2010, 09:46 AM
doesn't it even out though, the usage of all the clients together should balance in the end right? it seems SO many hosts are overselling, it would be very hard to compete with them...

Posted by IceBlueHost, 06-03-2010, 09:54 AM
There are different types of overselling. There's the kind that just about all hosts do (otherwise it simply would not be economical, but you need to know where to draw the line without it becoming a problem for your clients), and there's the type of hosts who offer the unlimited disk space and bandwidth. The latter is what I am talking about. As has been said so often, there is no such thing as unlimited, and there is no way they can offer what they promise. But... you must also not forget to read their TOS very carefully, and you will find that in most cases you actually ARE limited in one way or another (for example, maximum amount of inodes, etc...).

Posted by Server Management, 06-03-2010, 10:03 AM
Another person wanting to create another $1 unlimited host ? Big mistake, You,ll get idiotics thinking they can host the next youtube or facebook and when you gracefully tell them your unlimited hosting isnt quite unlimited they will forcefully tell you to screw yourself then leave you as many bad reviews on as many host review sites you can think of, Would you want your busines to be associated with such pratices ? Markets are funny, they can shift one way or another in little time, most small hosts shift with the big boys, whiles the big boys pretty much set the market for the rest. Some brightspark thought of i,ll use the unlimited marketing approach to gain my market share, rudely enough other hosts took this approach so they could still at least keep their market share from going with the other unlimited hosts. With clients and people becoming more internet savvy and becoming aware that you,ll some what get burnt one way or another with an unlimited host they,ll then go to seek a host which offers limits. Going with what others do isnt a good thing, as their overheads and stuff will differ from yours. Whiles at the moment i see the free user end support lark being used in the reseller market, hosts offering next to nothing plans with "free" user end support, whiles this is good for short term or hosts which dont plan to be around for much time. Things like this do change because they quickly realize they cant keep up with the demand or are running their businesses on peanuts which involves monkeys being used. Whiles i dont want to offend anyone, the above is just my true beliefs. Regards Last edited by Server Management; 06-03-2010 at 10:08 AM.

Posted by sdxgroup, 06-03-2010, 10:13 AM
ironically, i tend to agree with you however what about a host like JustHost? they offer unlimited everything and seem to be very successful... are there exceptions to this rule? my overhead is very low, i'm more looking to maximize revenue.

Posted by Server Management, 06-03-2010, 10:20 AM
They have TOS inplace which limit you anyways, so whiles it might look attractive to you them using the unlimited for marketing their actaully an limited host which they are covered by their TOS which some or most clients dont bother to read untill they get told to move or upgrade. You cant compaire yourself with big hosts, you cant compete head for head, as others have different overheads, whiles thinking you can can do this from a single server your ending for trouble. Start small then grow, You cant dominate a market share overnight, even if you have the best plans or the best servers in the world, people need to build trust upon your brand and see you sustain a good level a service, this can take months, if not even years. Regards

Posted by hostingcertified, 06-03-2010, 10:43 AM
Some of them limit you by apache modules ... where you account can only access 1 Mbit / Second transfer. That means even in the case of UNLIMITED bandwidth you can only access few hundred GB bandwidth per month.

Posted by TBradley, 06-04-2010, 02:25 AM
As long as YOU are happy with your hosting provider everything is okay! Welcome to WHT!

Posted by Jedito, 06-04-2010, 02:39 AM
This is not true, people is not becoming more internet savvy every day more and more people have access to internet worldwide, the % of people who understand how a host works is minimal, so is the % of people that know that unlimited bandwidth/space is a lie. That's of what the "big boys" take advantage. Of the people ignorance. And is possible and indeed with $30-40k you can insert a new brand easily and start to get some of those customers who don't know that you are lying them. Some people are sharks and they are proud of it (no pun intended to sharkhost), I don't want to be a shark, I try to run an honest job on where I don't have to lie to my customers to get them with me. On where MY MORAL is before of any $ that I can get. I don't eat people to live, I can see to my kids eyes and tell him that I'm honest, I want to leave a legacy to my son too. Last edited by Jedito; 06-04-2010 at 02:42 AM.

Posted by TBradley, 06-04-2010, 02:52 AM
I respect that. You really seem to have a good idea of what you are doing. It is nice to see a good honest host in this type of saturated, bad economy market!

Posted by 040Hosting, 06-04-2010, 02:59 AM
In either way you will not compete with either; both have a different market segment. Personally i want to stay as far away from unlimited offers as i can, but if you believe it is easier to get customers that way, you certainly should go into it

Posted by vWiz, 06-04-2010, 04:29 AM
No such thing as unlimited, and many posts about this topic have been commented on. Most companies would have some type of limit threshold in their TOS. Most don't read the TOS though, and they get charged with a fat bill :\

Posted by ldcdc, 06-04-2010, 08:45 AM
Relatively few hosts that offer unlimited hosting are present on WHT. This is because most companies offering such are large, and don't have WHT as a marketing focus. Webhostingtalk is a place where mostly smaller hosts are active. Second, hosts are barred from advertising unlimited/unmetered shared and reseller hosting, so there's little incentive for them to spend time here. You don't have to compete with them. Just because there are cheap clothes out there, it doesn't mean that talented designers will try to compete on that level. They'll sell fewer, quality items, at a high markup, to those who can afford it.

Posted by sdxgroup, 06-04-2010, 11:28 AM
thanks for all the posts. i checked out some google searches on JustHost... i think thats enough info for me to decide thats not the kind of business i want to run! i do agree now that their marketing has a lot to do with their popularity.. thats one thing they do well with. @Jedito, i hope most ppl will employ your attitude @Idcdc, great post, very insightful. okay so afterall, i'm NOT going to offer unlimited, and I thank you all for your input.

Posted by addshore, 06-05-2010, 03:32 PM
If you have enough initial investment, in my opinion, you can set-up such a system. Cloud hosting really works wonders and if you have the right business plan it sure can work.

Posted by buzzhostingUK, 06-05-2010, 04:31 PM
I agree, Web hosts should just be honest and tell the truth. There isnt really such thing as unlimited, No server has the capacity to store UNLIMITED data, Its virtually impossible... So why advertise it. Just look for a web host offering a decent amount of bandwidth... Based on my experience... 5GB - 10GB = Blogs, Forums, Personal websites 20GB - 30GB = Small video sharing community, Small image hosting websites, Business 50GB - 100GB = Medium video sharing community's, Medium image hosting websites, Very large forum community's. 100GB + = Very large websites.

Posted by vWiz, 06-05-2010, 09:27 PM
Right on Unlimited is a pretty much a marketing gimmick, and most of the time, hosts usually have a cap placed in their TOS so not even sure why they advertise it in the first place.

Posted by Andrew Moore, 06-05-2010, 09:29 PM
I don't think anyone that advertises here use that method Unlimited/Free isn't allowed on WHT, Also its a bad marketing gimmick that imo is getting old and is highly over used. If you want unlimited go to HostGator, If you want Quality go to a company that takes pride in what they do

Posted by Server Management, 06-06-2010, 09:05 AM
i say the same, unlimited is getting abit boring now. They can say unlimited all they want but in the terms they,ll get you, in the end it sometimes can be less hassle to just go with a host with limits in place.

Posted by ldcdc, 06-06-2010, 09:48 PM
The way I see it, unlimited just meant the expiry of a marketing model. The fight has now moved to the price levels. Unlimited everything in the reseller business is still not boring, as few respectable, established providers offer such packages.

Posted by Collin1000, 06-06-2010, 11:04 PM
I'm going to disagree with you there. Webhosts all THINK the fight is the price. Consumers know the fight is the service and support. That's why "traffic" to "review" sites is up, and the turnover rate is rapidly growing. When every plan looks exactly the same, consumers have to find something to tell hosts apart. Service.

Posted by ldcdc, 06-07-2010, 08:58 AM
Well now, can you tell how the service will be just by looking at a host's website? Many, if not most people, don't spend enough time to research hosts' reputations, and with budget always being an issue, they end up choosing based on price. I do agree though that in the long run, the fight will probably be won by the providers who can offer the best price/service ratios.

Posted by Andrew Moore, 06-07-2010, 09:04 AM
It's All (3) , Service, Support, & Price. Everyone now days wants it all, Not 1 not 2 But all 3, Any host that can deliver good service & support at a reasonable price will have him/her a nice seat in the industry.

Posted by madlymasterful2018, 06-07-2010, 12:15 PM
I don't think there is any such thing as unlimited in hosting business! Every bandwidth usage cost the provider so how it is possible to provide such unlimited stuffs?

Posted by moaa, 06-09-2010, 08:03 PM
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts on this. I have been wondering how I'm going to get any client without offering "unlimited" space, bandwidth and FREE domain, when I only have 50GB space,250GB Bandwidth and paid high price for domains. I think the big guys are offering "unlimited" package to keep the little guys at the bay. cheers

Posted by IceBlueHost, 06-10-2010, 12:38 AM
Moaa, nobody said it was going to be easy, because it isn't. You need to try and stand out by offering quality service. You will find that clients who receive good service will mostly be willing to pay a little more. Good luck in any case

Posted by sdxgroup, 06-10-2010, 10:24 AM
i'm starting to see a lot of info online about the limits of "unlimited" hosting... it seems inevitable that the bubble will pop at some point and "unlimited" hosting may not be desirable after that happens. I think it's better to grow slow and steady, with service, quality and your clients as your focus.

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